Assisted dying

Morning folks

I see that the contentious issue of assisted dying is in the news this morning.

How does everyone feel about this prickly subject. ?


I think it’s everyone own personal choice. I know lots are against it but I think it’s a very individual thing. No one can say how a person feels etc or the pain they are in etc

[quote=“Emfraserburgh”] I think it’s everyone own personal choice. I know lots are against it but I think it’s a very individual thing. No one can say how a person feels etc or the pain they are in etc [/quote] I’ll second that.

I have many thoughts about it. One being that we should have more hospice/palliative type care available to all end of life patients. I don’t want to judge anyone, I can understand in certain situations why some would want to end their life. X

Morning Blossom

You hit the jackpot wirh that word/phrase palliative care, it can really get me going.

its a very personel thing, if you get to that stage where life really is not worth living,because you are in pain 24/7 or cant function at all then why not,they dont let animals suffer,so why should humans suffer.

J x

Yes quite right I’m inclined to agree.

Just enough morphine to take me to the other side without knowing it - that’s if i’m ever in that position…hopefully not…

It’s a very personal thing like others have said, I agree fundamentaly with everyone having the right to choose. However there are so many ways people can be taken advantage of, the actual safeguarding process needs to be to looked at first. Having witnessed first hand a loved one be nursed through palliative care, I can honestly say the support and comfort they relieved was second to none. For all it’s downsides the nhs really pulls it’s finger out when it counts.

As long as it is safeguarded and indeed that persons choice, then yes of course it should be allowed. I hope never to be in that position but would like to go peacefully and without pain.

My Mum always felt very strongly that she be allowed a choice, she was ill for years having been a type 1 diabetic for over 50 years. When near the end she suffered a ‘micro vascular event’ in her brain which left her thrashing about hurting herself, the doctors had to keep her in a coma to stop this and she was left lying there ventilated and unconcious and being tube fed. She would have hated it. It took 2 weeks to be clear there was no recovery and then we were allowed to turn things off and let her go. A bad ending for her and not what she would have wanted, having a DNR signed didn’t mean diddly squat in her situation.

My Dad died quite suddenly last year and with minimum fuss, apart from the fact that we were heartbroken…when I see some old folk being kept alive, with no quality of life…I realise how lucky Dad was…

I believe it’s not a case of “if” the law is changed, only “when”. Too many people are suffering needlessly - my 27-year-old brother and my mother for two! When you have seen the fear in someone’s eyes and their pain first hand, you can’t stand by and let it continue!

I’m watching the Tony Nicklinson case with great interest but I’m sure there will have to be change in the law. The Assisted Dying Bill will be debated in the House of Lords on 18th July, so just perhaps things are changing! Fingers crossed … while I still can!!!

No more peole will die as a result of a change in the law, but fewer people will suffer. We must be given the choice.

Emma x

Having watched my grandmother in so much pain with terminal cancer that she couldn’t even cry, then I definitley say that people should be given the choice. And the right to say no to assisted dying should be respected just as much as saying yes.

We already have DNR requests so it just needs to be taken a step further. I agree with Emma - that it is a not a case of if - but when.

JBK xx

What if you aren’t suffering any physical pain or mobility issues, and you are suffering from Mental Illness, Dementia or grief?

There are advanced directives to consider. Personally, I think they should be done through a solicitor.

I’m thinking about if the worse should happen, I personally don’t want any intervention. I just want to die in peace.

My granda died on Monday from dementia. Towards the end esp I would say the last 4 weeks he wasn’t ‘granda’ he was a skeleton that was just alive. Didn’t know basic things like form, knife toilet. Didn’t know how to get to the toilet. It’s strange the one thing he did know was everyone’s names. He was admitted to hospital on Sunday a a by lunch time he was gone, he was struggling a bit and mum went to get help. They were taken out the room and he was given something. His breathing become easier and just slowed down 20 mins later he was gone Granda was always overweight with a ruddy complexion, he was down to skin and bone his skin was grey. It was cruel him being alive. I said to my neurologist If I was a dog ud put me down saying it was kinder. And it is true animals are treated kinder.

Any decision made would have to be when the patient is made of sound mind.

I was slightly involved with this when we were told that my son had testicular cancer. If it came to it; which luckily it did not; I was not prepared to see him go through the pain and anguish; I was syking myself up for ending his life.

When should I; could I; would I; there was no should I; afterwards the Law could do with me whatever. I contacted EXIT to see the; I won’t say best as there is no best way to do it but easiest and it seems the only way you can guarantee death is a plastic bag over the persons head.

My mind was working overtime; the when was the biggest problem. As I said we were lucky he had one testicle removed; it did not spread and is now in remission 8 years.

If a person is going to commit suicide they will. If a bag over the head is the only way how would you like to come home and find the one you love; blue; eyes bulging; tongue hanging out with a bag over their head.

How much better to hold hands; talk over good times; say a prayer if that’s your want while they take a pill or drink some sort of concoction and their life slowly slipped away.

I think life is so precious as long as there is some quality. Some people have no quality and should be offered the choice. Then you have the problem of how can you ask a profession to take life when they vow to always save life?

One day

I’ve done a ‘living will’ saying that if I don’t have the ability to say what I want, then I don’t want to be kept alive artificially or have resuscitation and I want to be given as many painkillers as possible, even if it shortens my life. This all seems common sense to me but most people don’t have a living will. It seems quite weird to me that people say they wouldn’t want to be kept alive if they didn’t have their faculties any more but they don’t write this down to try and make sure they get their wish.

I think the question about requiring a doctor to end your life for you is a different and very difficult one. The doctor has to be able to live with what he/she spends their day doing. How would you feel about bringing someone’s life to an end?