Just had a letter from nuro turns out it doesn’t look like I have thank goodness…:slight_smile: However bit confused about the letter. . It reads!!! I cannot pinpoint on one neurogical condition., which would be responsible for all the symtoms therfore a SOMATIZATION DISORDER SEEMS TO BE MORE LIKLEY!! (What on earth does that mean?) Fibromyalgia is also a possibility therefore I would be greatful if u could refer her to a rheumatologist. For completeness however i am going to request a nerve conduction study to rule out painful neuropathies, which can sometimes come with very subtle neurological symptoms. . I will follow her up in 3 months time… I would like to say a big thank you for all kind words and advice… wish you all well… Vickie x x

I think you need to talk to your GP about your situation. I think (and I’m guessing here - I don’t know) that ‘somatization disorder’ can mean the same sort of thing as ‘functional neurological disorder’ - i.e. there’s obviously neurological stuff going on, but there isn’t any clearly identifiable disease process at work to pin the blame on. (This is excellent news, given that most of the possible disease processes are unpleasant and incurable and best avoided!) The biggest plus of all is that FND (unlike MS) can get better and go away, so hurrah for that. As I say, this is an unqualified and non-expert lay-person guessing here - you really need to talk to your GP who understands your situation and the context and knows what he/she is talking about.

Great news that it doesn’t look like MS. I am very pleased for you.


Good news, that’s great NOT MS Good luck when you visit your gp. Janet x

‘Somatic’ means ‘of the body’. ‘somaticisation’ means that psychological factors are influencing bodily symptoms. Some doctors use the terms ‘somaticisation disorder’ and ‘functional disorers’ interchangeably, whilst others believe they are separate conditions.

There are a few different types of somaticization disorders. The common thread is that the patient feels real pain or physical symptoms, but that the symptoms are not caused by a biological disease (such as MS), but are considered to be psychological in origin. It is well known that in some people, psychological stress can result in headaches, or in irritable bowel syndrome and the like. In the same way, psychological factors can lead other people to experience pain, numbness, and neurological-type symptoms.

There is absoutely no suggestion that a patient with a somatic disorder is malingering, attention seeking, timewasting, feigning, making up, or exagerating symptoms… it is absolutely accepted that they are experiencing real bodily symptoms, and real distress… one criteria for diagnosis is that the patients symptoms have a significant impact upon their everyday lives and functioning.

Because the symptoms are physical in nature, the patient naturally consults a medical practitioner, and it is very common for people with this disorder to become extremely concerned or preoccupied that their symptoms are caused by conditions such as MS etc.

In order to diagnose somaticisation disorder, physical causes for the symptoms must first be ruled out (in your case MS has been ruled out, and your neuro has reccommended further screening for neuropathies and fibro).

If your doctors do conclude your symptoms are caused by a somaticisation disorder, you might be offered input in the form of counselling, CBT, mindfullness meditation training. It is up to you whether you agree to any of these treatment options, but they might well be worth exploring. Although it might be difficult to adjust to a psychological diagnosis when you were expecting a neurological diagnosis, the really good news is that somatization disorders can improve - like Alison said - it can get better and go away :slight_smile: So dont get to hung up on the fact the doctors are suggesting a psychological explanation for your difficulties… focus on the fact that it is not MS, and there are many positive steps you can take to get well and regain your health.

Best wishes for it all xxxxx

Here is a good link.

(I’m not sure how well links work on this forum, you may have to type it into your browser).

Hi, you may have already stopped looking at this forum, but I have only just seen your post, sorry.

I googled somatization, as i hadnt heard of it.

As anon above says, it is a genuine condition, with lots of different symptoms.

If you havent already done so, I would suggest you google it to find out more.

luv Polx

Good news Vickie, and it’s great that he’s going to be following up with another appointment. Sounds like you’ve got a good one there and he really is trying to get to the bottom of it.

Mags :slight_smile: xx