I’ve just been reading ‘Jayelle’s’ thread about getting a Blue Badge (sorry to go off your thread Jayelle) but I was just wondering if anybody would happen to know if I might possibly be able to get a Blue Badge to use for myself but on other peoples cars as I’m a non driver.
I have PPMS, Fibro and other health issues and I can only walk outside slowly for short distances with the aid of a walking stick.
I’m not sure if a Blue Badge would be available to me, so any advice welcome.
Hi Twinkle Toes, good luck with your application. As others have said, blue badges are issued to people who are disabled, whether or not they are drivers.
Get an application form and send it off, with luck you will get one issued to you to use in anybody’s car.
I recently received my Blue Badge after completing an online report from my local council.
I think that the recommendation letter from my MS Nurse which I sent off as back up went a long way to support my application and I dare say shortened the application process as I received it within 4 weeks of applying.
Thank-you, I have found out that I have to apply online for a Blue Badge (like most these days I think) but tbh I’m not very good at doing things like this so I’m waiting for somebody to help me with it (and hopefully soon) - so it’s a case of work in progress
Hi again Twinkle Toes, I think I should have made my posting clearer. You probably can print off the forms if you have a printer, or a friend with a printer could do it for you, or you can usually ask for the forms to be sent to you either by emailing or telephoning them. Good luck in applying for a badge.
Thank-you for both of your replies and your advice.
As I said to jacobia, I have found out that I have to apply online for a Blue Badge and that I’m waiting for help with it.
I’m no longer any good with things like that as I cannot understand as I once could but the lady who is going to help me is on holiday so I will have to wait a bit longer.
I have already got my photo sorted out as I got told that I would need one but they didn’t say anything about having to attend in person to have it done so maybe my council isn’t one of those… I’d better double check though.
Blue Badge applied for (ho hum) this was after seeing a couple park in a bay, get out of the car to retrieve a badge from the boot then head into the gym. All the time I was standing, getting my balance on my crutch. Why oh why when applying is there so many questions re benefits!
I know that we can’t always see some people’s disability but I sometimes wonder why some people have one and others seem to struggle to get one - definitely not a case of ‘one size fits all’.
I’m still waiting to get my application form sorted out as the lady who is doing it for me has been away and then couldn’t get to me but hopefully she’ll be here on Wednesday and we can get it sorted out then.
People with various disabilities which are not always immediately obvious benefit from going to the gym and doing whatever exercises help improve their condition/mobility, etc.
Yes, that’s very true, and as I said in my post that we can’t always see some people’s disability.
I was making more reference to getting the Blue Badge itself (as it’s different in different areas) and not about somebody’s actual disability or going to the Gym, maybe I should of worded it better.