Am I being particularly dense?

Hi all, I have been reading about healthcare at home, have had a couple of issues with them myself, but that to one side; I have been on betaferon since jan this year and nothing has been said about any cost. Some have said about changing to bupa and it only being a little more expensive, and someone said about the free trial? No one has ever said anything about cost to me and am feeling slightly nervous. Will I have to pay towards the treatment at some time? Best wishes, Sue x

Hi Sue,

As far as I know, nobody has to pay for DMDs. HAH do deliver other drugs, which some people may be on at their own expense (I think Fampyra’s one - you get a free trial, but if it works and you want to stay on it, there’s a charge).



I agree with Tina. I was on Avonex for 10+ years (HaH delivering) and never paid a penny. On Tysabri for 3+ years now, and still no charge. It is a real blessing for us all, and so far you do not have any reason to worry about being personally liable for the cost. Long may it continue.


Hi Orchid,

I have been on betaferon from 2006 and there has been no mention of costs. At first, I did live in london and came under “Kings Hospital”, there was a slight remark about cost on a whole, but not at my expense. I now live in Wales, were prescriptions are free. “POST CODE LOTTERY” and Bupa deliver to my door. I think the time to worry, is when the NHS Trust run out of money, have to cut back or your specialist suggest a new drug. Then the trouble starts. Andy

Thank you all for your replies, I was in a bit of a panic there for a while! I hope everyone has a good day. I have my 5yr old granddaughters sports day today. Looking forward to watching her, not so the forecast heat though. Roll on a cold drink in the shade later!! Sue x