
Life, news, war, MS, economy, fuel costs, lies, have I left any thing out? Yes MS Matters never seems to have F… all to say about PPMS!
Feeling aggrieved and need a rant, I recon I’ll be dead by the time they figure out how to help. My only joy is that at least the poor s**s that come behind me will have it better :slight_smile:


Good rant!

And… breathe! :grin:


Rant away, this is a good place to find others who understand how you feel.
Hope things feel better for you ASAP


Hi there HMS, it’s the old site Chrissie here x.
I’m only just finding my way around this new site, and it’s luck more than judgement I’ve found you at last.
I totally agree about media failures to omit or dismiss ppms.
I put it down to the media being ill informed. Their ignorance is more to be pitied than scolded.
It’s true there doesn’t appear to be anywhere near the amount of quality research to ppms as other types. I wonder if ‘they’ know there’s no cure, but just a downhill slope, and much needed research funds are better spent on something that will definately improve the life for other types.

Rant away HMS, just releasing that pent up frustration can help.

Remember we’re here for you, just as you helped me some time ago, & you’ve no doubt helped others too.
We all get angry with ppms and how the topic never takes precedence. It is about time M.S and all of its cruel types are well known.
Take care of you, hms, you know you’ll ride this through.
I’m with you, if something ain’t right, we should all try to fix it.

Chrissie x

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Hi Chrissie and any others
I quite like HMS it’s almost royal:). I do answer to everything including just M usually followed by :heart:x Realised how much I’ve missed the old :sunglasses:
gang. I got chased on another post for the very obvious ****.
PPMS use to be ‘the Cinderella disease’ has much changed? Thank goodness we have each other. Take care, be safe M :heart:x

Thank you Chrissie,
Ill informed is so much more polite than my ********. Once you get use to the website I’m sure we can all get together again :sunglasses:.
Take care, be safe M x

PPMS is the dark hole of “sorry mate, nothing we can do…”


Thanks for your reply it does actually help:)

Well said, yourself. I’m new - couple of months to ppms. This forum is treasure for honesty, compassion and support. Hello to everybody.


I’ve not read MS Matters for a long time, in fact I’ve stopped receiving it now. I’ve never read anything relevant to me in the 16 years since diagnosis. I find it nauseating reading about all that positivity such as those with RRMS on wonder drugs who’ve run marathons and climbed mountains, when the reality for many of us is very different. Rant over!!


It use to be called the Cinderella Disease, I don’t think any thing has changed. Thank you for being there, wonder drugs for everyone but us! Our time will come, a Malaysian family I know donated £400.00 to the MS Society. They felt on reading about MS that it was a horrible disease.
Take care, be safe. M x

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It’s hard not to feel a bit jealous of those with mild or manageable forms of the disease, not that I would wish full-on PPMS on anyone. Positivity is harder when one feels the medical profession has tossed you (PPMS, NEIDA smouldering) over the side.

Fuck it!