Advice please - work issues!

Hi, I have just had MS confirmed (suspected since 2009). I work 35 hours per week, and since Dec 2009 I have been working compressed hours Mon to Fri, have Wenesdays off. This was trialled for a year and was signed off as permanent (due to tiredness etc with tentative MS diagnosis). Since Oct 2012 I have been feeling quite ill, and was diagnosed with Graves disease in April (over active thyroid). Initially my Manager was supportive in allowing me to work from home 1 day a week whilst i take medication to try to stabilise thyroid, but now seems intent on getting me to work part time (instead of working from home 1 day a week and having one non working day). When i am working from home I am fully contactable by my team by phone and by email, and other Managers have been (and still are), allowed to work from home. Would it be seen as a reasonable adjustment to allow me to continue with my 1 non working day, plus work from home one day a week until my thyroid condition has been sorted out, or can they “make” me work part time? Thanks for any advice