Adapting car to left foot accelerator

Hello everyone.

Has anyone had their car adapted to drive with left foot accelerator? I am thinking about doing this because it is getting more dificult to drive my automatic car with my right foot. Did you find it easy to adjust? Did you have driving lessons to help get used to the new arrangement?

Many thanks for any replies.


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Hi Carol, Iā€™m not much help Iā€™m afraid, I donā€™t have this but I do have hand controls. Wen they were being explained to me the garage talked me through all sorts of adaptations that could be done and Iā€™m certain this was one, tbh I cant see a problem with it. From my experience of hand controls I canā€™t see how this wouldnā€™t work. I didnt do a test or lessons with my hand controls, just drove away but that was more than 10 years ago, so maybe things have changed. Are you on motability? It wonā€™t matter. Most garages have a notability advisor, even if you are not on motability they should be able to help and advise. You probably will have to tell your insurance. Cheryl:-)

Hi Cheryl

Thanks for your reply. I am impressed that you did not have any lessons, that you just drove away. I think maybe I could have done that when I was younger, I have lost some confidence in driving in recent years. I have not had a car from the motabillity scheme before but I am thinking that I may do soon, especialy as they will pay for the adaptations. The time has come for me to seriously consider changing to left foot accelerartor or hand controls.


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I have the same right foot problem. Had an NHS driving assessment and they suggested either hand controls or left foot accelerator. Then had three lessons on BSM adapted car. Found both options easy to use so opted for left foot accelerator as it seemed more ā€˜normalā€™. Had my car adapted and then found that different driving position (I have a lowish sports car) made it impossible to drive. Now have hand controls - no problem!


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Hi Carol.

I have left foot accelerator adaptation fitted to my car.

Best advice is to do a google search or contact your local authority to see if there is a mobility centre in your area.

At a mobility centre they will asses your ability with different types of control adaptations to find which is best for you, (ie try before you buy).

I found that the left foot operation, was very easy to use.

When the adaptation is fitted to your car, the mobility centre will arrange for you to have a driving assessment using the adaptation , this is a requirement of the DVLA. Donā€™t concern yourself about the driving assessment, it is not a driving test, it is just to ensure you have full control of the vehicle.

The assessor is there to help you, not to stop you driving.

My adaptation cost approx Ā£350.00.

Donā€™t forget to advise your insurance company, they will need to add this to your policy, they are not permitted to charge you for this or load your premium in any way.

Hope this is of help.

Take care.

Chris R.

I. El. (Eng). (Rtd).

Hi John and Chris

Thank you for your replies. I hadnā€™t thought about having an assesment once the adaptation has been done but it makes sense. I think I will be a bit nervous at first but I know I have to go ahead with this change. It is reassuring to hear that others have this same change and not had any problems. I am hoping that I will find driving easier.

Many thanks - Carol

Hi Carol

When I was still driving I had a left hand accelerator fitted that you could fold down out of the way if you wanted to use the right. I could then choose which ever leg felt best, I had no problem getting used to a left one.

In fact, although I now dont drive, I still have a car that family and friends take me out in, and that one has two accelerators, but they always fold down the left one.

If I remember correctly, and mind I am going back yonks now, it cost me Ā£150.

Whatever you decide, I hope it makes your life easier.


Hi Pam

Thank you for your reply. I feel more confident going ahead with the change, it seems everyone adapts very easily.


Hi Pam

You say that when your friends and family drive your car, they fold down the left accelerator, I assume by this you are saying they drive with the left accelerator.

If this is the case, ensure they have codes 20 and 25 on their driving licence.

These are the codes specific to left foot accelerator and breaking operation.

This is the same reason that you must inform the garage or anyone carrying out maintenance to your car, that left foot option accelerator is fitted.

As you have had the car with the adaptation for some time, I am sure you are aware of the above, so please accept my post as friendly info only, and not a wagging finger instruction, that is far from my intention.

Take care.

Chris R.

I. El. (Eng). (Rtd).

I know its going to be a bad day when I get out of bed and miss the floor.

Hi Chris

No, what I mean is they fold the left one down and drive using the right, cos thatā€™s the ā€œnormalā€ way for them.

Yes, I always use the same garage and they are well aware of the situation, but thank you for pointing it out, it may well be useful information to someone in the same position.

BTW my car is 22 years old and only has 20,000 miles on the clock! but it is fantastic in the respect that the floor drops down to the road and I can drive my wheelchair straight in, has made my life so much easier.

Take care and have a good day.
