A poem for Saturday

Allow Yourself
by Catherine Pulsifer, © 2009

Allow yourself to dream,
And when you do dream big

Allow yourself to learn
And when you do learn all you can

Allow yourself to laugh
And when you do share your laughter

Allow yourself to set goals
And when you do reward yourself as you move forward

Allow yourself to be determined
And when you do you will find you will succeed

Allow yourself to believe in yourself
And when you do you will find self confidence

Allow yourself to lend a helping hand
And when you do a hand will help you.

Allow yourself relaxation
And when you do you will find new ideas.

Allow yourself love
And when you do you will find love in return

Allow yourself to be happy
And when you do you will influence others around you.

Allow yourself to be positive
And when you do life will get easier.

The sun is shining in bonny Bridlington.

Life is not perfect but I feel blessed. Hope most of you find a reason to smile somewhere in your day.


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the sun is shining here too.

that makes me smile


Excellent thank you

lovley poem