Hello, I wondered if anyone can help and advise me on what is happening to me at the moment. It’s my first time on this forum so I hope I am posting in the right place!!
I’m really worried about my symptoms being MS or something else serious and am not sure what steps I should take next or whether my symptoms are consistent with it or something else, perhaps even a B12 deficiency. I know that googling symptoms doesn’t help and MS always comes out when I type in my symptoms and that worries me all the more but it’s difficult not to google when so worried!!
My problems began back in May when I felt a sort of heat in my right leg, like a flush running up and down it. It happened a number of times that weekend. A couple of weeks later I started getting pin prick sensations, not painful and wouldn’t really describe them as pins and needles or numbness either. They were mainly in legs and feet but every now and again in arms/hands too. Visited GP who advised general blood tests (all came back ok) and a neurological visit. When speaking to the Nuerologist I explained everything and she ordered more blood tests, things like calcium, and an MRI of lower back as I also have back ache too but my GP things that’s through lifting my 12kg toddler all the time! Other symptoms I have are a burning in the sole of the left foot, in just one point, and am tired a lot of the time but wouldn’t call it total exhaustion…yet.
The MRI on my lumbar zone showed a bulging disc in S1 l5, and a few other small things but the GP seemed to think they were pretty normal things. I had a test on my leg nerves, electromyography. Would that have showed up something if my symptoms were typical of ms?
Then I also started to feel a little like I have more tired eyes than normal and they are a little dry but I’m not sure if this is related or as I’m so tired and stressed about all this!
I haven’t yet yet had an MRI of the brain, the Neuro said ‘we will see how things go’ but I worry they are checking things only related to my bottom half and not the CNS. Symptoms wise they have continued basically since May, with short periods of improvement. Now i feel the pin pricks in the same areas as before but sometimes like rain drops or mini electric shocks but they aren’t painful at the moment but I definitely feel them, also sometimes in my face and hairline. Does anyone else have this? Another thing I sometimes feel is a little tightness in the muscles in my calves…
the second lot of blood tests came back ok, apart from one thing, which was B12 on the low Side but not classed as an official deficiency… It came back at 200 picog/ml. Could this kind of level cause these symptoms or does it sound more similar to ms? Not sure what to do next, am worried about it all especially as it’s been a few months now and not improving, just changing all of the time. Any advice would be gratefully received… Thank you