Hi I have recently gone back to work after 5 weeks of sick leave due to having a ms relapse. I feel that I don’t have management support and that I am being talked about by my colleagues. Not a great environment to work in. Can anyone suggest what I could do please? I am thinking of leaving my job
Hi there axngal1988.
I’m sorry to read you’re having difficulties, it can be an anxious time returning from sick leave, and you really don’t need this atmosphere of negativity.
Now - Do Not Leave Your Job - you have rights.
Could your lack of management support be a simple, and all too common, lack of communication? Have you had a private meeting with your manager, preferably in his/her office? If not, then ask for one, it could achieve more than you think.
If you are in a trade union, talk to your representative, they should be able to advise on disability rights in the workplace. If there is no union, then have a chat with someone at the Job Centre, or the CAB. Or how about 'phoning the MS helpline at the top of this page? Have a chat, they might know a bit about rights in the workplace. You really shouldn’t be left feeling you’ve no support.
I hope things pick up a bit this week.
Hi Ben thank you for your reply. I have arranged for a meeting with my line manager tomorrow morning. Shall have to wait and see what the outcome is… Have contacted the local citizens advice bereau but can’t get an appointment for 3 weeks I will give the ms helpline a call too. Thanks you I just feel like I am in one big black hole at the moment.
Fingers crossed things get better
I suggest you call in access to work Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition: What Access to Work is - GOV.UK . Apart from giving lots of practical help like taxis to and from work; infrastructure; furniture they also give a little reminder of the responsibilities of management to give ‘reasonable adjustments.’
Take a look around Home Page | Equality and Human Rights Commission that will advise you about the Equalities Act. Also the DLS GIVE some very useful information http://www.dls.org.uk/Pages/Employment-Law.aspx
Hi love.
I can imagine how you feel. Returning from a fairly long amount of sick leave, can make some work colleagues bitter, jealous, bitchy…
but whatever you do, dont get into any confrontations about it. Keep your cards close to your chest and have that meeting with your manager in private…except maybe it would be a good ide to have someone as a witness, who doesnt speak, to be there as an impartial witness.
If you feel you are still too ill to work, then think about going on the sick again.
Hi Azngal1988 I had similar problem about a month ago and I am still a little skeptical as what my manager really feels now but things are better. I printed of the booklet from this site MS for employers. I gave it to my manager and I also asked HR to be present. This seems to have had a positive outcome and it seems my manager is taking advise now rather than acting on his own sense of right and wrong. I would hang in there and see if he or she does the right thing or let them continue to act outside the law and hit them with a grievance. Document everything and remember you are asking for support which is what your entitled to. Keep going and don’t let it stress you it’s difficult enough without this on your mind.
Do not leave your job.
Ask for a postponement of tomorrow’s meeting until you know exactly what your rights are.
If you do have the meeting let your line manager know, in a nice way!!, that you have certain rights and you may be requesting that reasonable adjustments be made. (Chances ae he/she wont know what your rights are)
And remember your line manager is not your friend.