Thank you. Yes, i will write out all questions before Monday. This is my first appointment since being diagnosed, so yeh, there will be lots of questions, they will be chasing me out. I need to understand to cope, as we all do I know, I am no different.Just a long time of not knowing.Now I know what it is, I need to know, understand and I hope I get to see the images, larn whats going on in there, what its causing and what lies ahead.
Hubby came in with me to neurologist when we went back for results but on monday he will be taking me to the MS clinic and will leave me there as has to take our daughter to her orthodontist appointment which is half an hour after mine on the other side of the town. Her appointment was the day after mine, but have changed it to same day so that we don’t have to trail 50 miles 2 days on the run and he has taken a days leave to take me as I am not sure if I should drive. I am ok if I haven’t done anything, but once i have walked it just all gets worse and then i feel i can’t hold my foot over the pedal.
Thank you for your replies. It is a scary place.I am accepting of it, to a degree.I try to laugh everyday. I wrongly try to be strong infront of people, and I can feel it welling up inside of me, right now infact, always biting my lip.Not good I know, and I don’t know why I do do it but I know I have to stop it.
I guess I will know whats what soon enough. Feel at the moment all i am getting from quite a few folk is, oh, hubbys sister has had it for 15 years, shes fine, or, aye, lad i worked with got it, he takes tabs, hes fine, you will be ok, you can still do this and that, but thats just the thing, right now, i can’t and its a very scary place to be.