Walking stick

Thanks everyone, I will be looking at them for certain if only so I have a back up just in case and maybe an increase in confidence when I’m walking instead of worrying my legs going to pack up! J I too am only small…5foot to be exact so I hope they do one for my short bum (being polite there) haha. Thanks again x

As you can see I gave up with the anon…decided you may as well know who’s posting considering all the help you’ve given over the last few weeks. Plus bet half of you guessed :wink: x

I have a switchstick it comes with two different handle types looks quite snazzy can be adjusted to your height and is very sturdy. It also comes with a handy bag and folds away easily when I dont need it. I dont use it every day but sometimes when my legs feel so weak and heavy it keeps me upright and I find just handy to lean on when there is nowhere to sit. I felt exactly the same when I first started to use it, but when you do you realize there are loads of people out there with waking sticks stop worrying what others think and use it when you need it no one will bat an eyelid. Keep smiling take carex

My stick at your age was a great item to use when needed. Fun jazzy ones. 25 years on, still use them,a trolley too on rougher terraine and rarely my wheelchair, but all aids help me enjoy my lovely world. Family and friends love me as me. The rest don’t matter.

There was a part of me that felt getting a walking stick meant the MS was winning. But it really is the other way round But did treat myself by going to a site called Thestickman he has many types and you can customise it to suit yourself

Thanks for your replies x