This is aimed at those of you on Beta Interferon. Can you please advise me whether you’ve had any problems with depression since being on it?
I have a long history of depression and anxiety. I have been injecting for one month and have been experiencing some very acute and severe bouts of depression. Frankly I’m really struggling.
I am seeing my MS nurse very soon and will discuss with her but I would be grateful to know your experiences.
Hi Jen. Thanks for replying. I’m sorry to hear you have to battle with depression too.
My MS nurse did mention Copaxone once she realised I had depression. But she explained if I started on Copaxone I couldn’t progress onto other levels of treatment if it was unsuccessful so she felt it was worth trying the Beta nterferon first so that I would have those options if needed later on.
Frankly if the Avonex is going to make me feel like this, I’d rather take my chances with MS!
Do you mind me asking, has the Copaxone had any impact on your depression?
Hi Kaz, I have suffered on and off with depression for as long as I can remember. However I wanted to try the interferon as I didn’t fancy daily injections, so I started on rebif. I was on it for just over 3 months, had to dis continue as I couldn’t handle the side effects. It did affect my mood quote a lot, but had to know if it would have happened anyway, after such a big shock of dx. Or wether it was related to the side effects getting me down. I 'm now waiting for the next step, possibly aubagio which is a tablet. If it’s making you miserable, don’t carry on, plenty of alternatives, which I’m sure your nurse can suggest. Hope you feel better. Lx
Its interesting to read that you’re being progressed to second line drugs. I wonder why I was told I wouldn’t have that option on Copaxone. Maybe it depends where you live or something.
I cold have coped with the physical side effects of the Beta Intereferon… although they have been pretty horrendous… but I can’t handle feeling so depressed and tearful. Not to mention that I must be horrible for my family to be around right now.
I’ll speak to my MS nurse tomorrow and see what my options are.
A very good idea. Your MS nurse definitely needs to hear of the coincidence between starting DMD and worsening of depression that had previously been well managed. He/she will want to review the decision about choice of drugs in the light of this new information. Whatever the outcome of that, I hope that you start to feel brighter soon. Low mood is just the pits.