Uncontrollable itching

Hi I have currently made a post in here but this is a new thing. I had my first Mir scan on Thursday which is because my neurologist suspects ms but for the past few days i have spouts of uncontrollable itching. I haven’t as of yet drawn blood but I look like a have made hicky like marks n I’ve been scratching my back like crazy and my husband has said it looks like I’ve kinda made a rash. I will scratch where is itchy and almost immediately it starts somewhere else on my body. Has anyone ever experienced this?

Sorry forgot to mention it does stay in the same place too x

My MS itches (and that is what they are in my case - I don’t know what they are in yours…) are strange, fugitive things that are intensely itchy but do not behave like ‘proper’ itches in any other way (being completely relieved - however briefly - by scratching, for instance). Like most other MS stuff, they are worst when I’m overheated. Mostly, mine are in my hands, so it is an easy matter to run the hand under the cold tap until I can bear the cold no longer - that usually sorts it out. Plus staying cool generally, of course.

Why not try an ice-pack on your back, or bag of frozen peas or something? It might just do the trick, either by reducing temperature or (if relevant) through the numbing effect that seems to calm the disordered nerve messages that cause the strange phantom itches of MS. Apart from anything else (and whatever is or isn’t causing your itching), it might help stop you scratching and potentially damaging your skin. On which subject, the excellent Patient.co.uk has good guidance on how to use ice packs safely for any of the many other things that ice can help with - sprains and so on. Ice-packs can cause trouble of their own if not used with some caution, but they can be very gently effective too.


Hiya Rachel I get itchy from my ms, and like Alison it’s mainly in my hands - it’s really annoying cos you can’t scratch enough but the more you scratch, the more it itches. Can drive you mental! But I also get a different type of itching and it’s not really my MS, I get urticaria sometimes and break out in hives in all different parts of my body. Starts off on my leg, then it appears on my arms, back, it’s even been up behind my ears! It’s a maddening hot itch and apart from cooling my skin down with a wet towel/ice pack I need antihistamines or it just keeps spreading and I end up looking like I’ve been rolling about in nettles and covered in hicky bites - Not a good look! :wink: Get some claritin from the chemist and see if that helps stop the itching. Might even be worth seeing your dr about so he can prescribe you stronger ones if that doesn’t help. I’ve found though that when I’m worried or stressing about stuff, the itching kicks up a gear so it could also be a factor in why you’re feeling itchy. Hope the antihistamines help though cos it’s horrible being like that, it really is. Good luck x