Treating Symptoms Whilst In Referral Stage


I am currently in the referral stage for looking into suspected MS after a spell in hospital last weekend and an unsual MRI scan. I have been feeling quite poorly for around a week now and I’m not sure what should be my next course of action in treating what I feel is an episode of symptoms.

I have spoken to my GP, who did prescribe gabapentin, but I didn’t feel particularly heard in our consulation. I’m struggling to cope today as this feels never-ending and terrifying. Is there anything else I could say or ask for with regards to my GP? I feel like I’m missing something.

I’m resting, eating well, and trying to move and be active when the symptoms allow for it (although today has seen more of a focus on weakness and fatigue). I’m trying to stay hopeful that this will pass, but I’m frustrated as I am starting my final year of university and am in placement. The whole thing feels unfair, as I’m sure so many of you may have felt and experienced.

I feel this has turned into more of a vent, but if anyone does have any advice, it would be much appreciated.


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Hi Sprout
Not a great deal I can help you with unfortunately. My thighs feel like lead weights today. I’m not sure whether to rest or exercise. I don’t honestly know what to do for the best. I’m pretty fed up today as my legs appeared to be going back to normal yesterday and I was hopeful for even more improvements today but no such luck. This MS garbage seems very unpredictable and extremely varied from one person to another and also day to day.
I haven’t yet been prescribed anything as its all still pretty new and medically in the process of getting my DX made official I guess.
Ultimately as far as symptoms go you have to find what works for you I think, listen to others for what works for them and basically try anything. That’s all I’m doing so far. There are a lot of helpful folk on here so it’s just a case of keep asking questions. ( There will be plenty )
Regarding your medical treatment I think you may have to just keep pushing until you get more answers or assistance. Maybe go to A + E and explain how you are. They may be able to give you something ??
I’m sorry Ive been no help at all but I wish you the best of luck and outcome.

Amen to all that. You are doing all you can do and yes it is damned unfair. I am really sorry that you have this worried to deal with.

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It’s completely normal to feel frustrated and lost when you’re dealing with a health concern.

Remember, you’re not alone. Many people go through similar experiences. It’s important to seek support and advocate for yourself. If you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed, consider reaching out to a mental health professional or a support group for people with MS.


Hi sprout, I’m no medic but when you say you are feeling poorly can I ask what in particular- if anything or is it more like ‘fatigue’?

I feel for you. I did not receive any treatment on my first and second relapse, no steroids or anything else whatsoever. Optic neuritis took 7-8 months to get significantly better, and the recovery of my numb hands took about the same time… I received my diagnosis after these two relapses. Talk to the doctor, there may be something you can take. I hope you are taking vitamin D, it helps a little.

Hi Sprout

Its good to note your GP has prescribed Gabapentin, for neuropathic pain I’m assuming (I take a combination of Gabapentin -1,800mg per day; and lower dose Amitriptyline - 10 mg at night for neuropathic pain - usually does the trick).

Other than that I take a hefty dose of Vit D3 (as I am usually deficient in this) and I have hyperbaric oxygen therapy once a week which I find helps with fatigue - might be worth checking if there is an MS Centre near you that can offer this therapy (unfortunately not on the NHS).

I’ve been on these almost from the start of tests to see if I had MS or not.

I’ve been using meditation for years and I find that it does help even with crap that MS (and life in general) has chucked at me; it would be worth looking into mindfulness meditation.

Since DX I have been put on Plegridy injections (once every 2 weeks) which can make you feel a bit rough for a day or so, but I can cope with that considering the alternative.