To lumbar puncture or not?

Hello. I have recently been diagnosed with MS after having two MRI’s, the second one showing new lesions. I also had dye with the second one that showed it to be inactive. So then I saw a different neurologist who has oredered me to have a lumbar puncture, whereas the first one wanted to avoid doing this. My questions are, why do I have to have a lumbar puncture if I have already been diagnosed? And will it be positive if I am currently in remission? Thank you all…

Hi. I often wonder why, once folk have received a definite MS diagnosis, they are put through an LP.

An LP can be a difficult procedure for some (yours truly), whilst it is plain sailing for others.

Also there’s the cost factor to consider to our already stretched NHS.

If possible, why not ask your neuro if it is to confirm your diagnosis?


Thank you for your reply. I really don’t know who to ask for advice as it’s all new to me and I’ve only seen two neurologists, and both of them were locums who work somewhere else and were just helping out. I’m due to have it tomorrow and am ok with it, them I’m not and feel quite nervous. I really wish I didn’t need it, then I think if it’s positive then it will prove my diagnoses. My two scans were taken 3 months apart but I’ve had symptoms for nearly two years, just thought it’d go away.


i am no expert or professional so please treat my comments as “opinions based on MY experience”

No one can “order” you to have LP. It might be a useful additional diagnostic tool; for me they found plaques in my CSF which helped to confirm the diagnosis, however if you do not wish to proceed that way then dont.

I was absolutely terrified but I felt nothing other than a bit of pressure.

Good luck whichever way you go.


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Thank you Mick, that was helpful. I will probably have it done as I am getting to the stage where I need some certainty in my life, so if it’s positive for an MS diagnosis then I will start to believe it more as I’m always in denial.

Hi again, seeing as the LP is tomorrow and it may be of further proof for your diagnosis, I hope it goes well. Please ensure you lie flat for a minimum of 4 hours.

This was always the advised time to avoid severe headaches, but was reduced by some authorities. However it has been proven that the longer the time, the better.
