I am a 59 year old that has been having investigations for a tremor in my left hand.I have had it for a while but it got a lot worse so I went to my GP.
I was sent for a CT scan that showed age related changes so I was then sent for a MRI.
When I saw my GP on Friday for the results I was told that I have chronic MS and have had it for a long time.THis was a total
shock and I spent the weekend worrying.
Phoned the doctor on Tuesday to see if I had misheard but told most certainly MS and to wait for the Neuro appointment.I have also had problems with my left leg for a few years but ignored that as well. Reading on hear it seems that I have been experiencing drop foot for at least 5 years.
So I was wondering has anyone else been diagnosed this way round and what should I expect to happen from now on.
Your GP is very naughty as they are not allowed to dx MS as it has to come from a neurologist. There are many things that can cause lesions on MRI and you will probably need a lumbar puncture to either rule in or rule out MS.
If it is PPMS then the neuro might be able to give you medication for your symptoms.
I went to see my Gp last Thursday to see if he could chase my results from the lumber puncture I had on the 3rd March (I’ve had MRI scan and they have found 3 lesions in my spine)I have rang the hospital twice, 6 weeks ago and again 2 weeks ago to be told that they had my results but was waiting for the consultant to sign the letter before sending it to my GP. My GP asked if I meant the letter he had on 20th March stating I had MS! I asked him when was I going to be told as my next appointment with the neuro is not until Sept .
Bassetmum please don’t worry nothing has changed other than you now have a label to tie onto your symptoms, I have had ppms for over twenty years and still live a full and happy life. It’s just different life.
I hope the word ‘chronic’ didn’t frighten you too much. I can’t walk unaided and I’ve been classed as EDSS 6 by a highly - google EDSS of you get a chance I’m 44 and was pretty active til a couple of years ago and would describe my MS as pretty serious yes, and I can also track it back about 12 years but chronic hasn’t come into any of the conversations and I know full well it could be worse! Hopefully your neuro will be a bit more helpful and refer you to an MS nurse so you have support and specialised