Diagnosed with ppms

Hi all,im new on here & not long been diagnosed with ppms, over the years on & off, i went to the gp because i was suffering with pain in my leg & telling them about it & they would say it’s coming from pain i have in my back or they would say it’s just the muscles in my leg why it’s hurting, then over a year ago i went back & told them i find it hard to walk with it because it drags & got tingling in it now & i told them i want to be referred so that’s what they done at last.so went to see a neurologist & they checked me all over & i have drop foot & my big toe constantly sticks up & i’ve had 2 brain & spine scans etc & now been diagnosed with ppms& over the last year i now have tingling in feet & both legs & lose my balance all the time & fatigue etc, & have seen an ms nurse & now having physio & seeing a orthotist in a few weeks & they will fit me with a splint, im just glad to know now what is wrong with me because i always new something wasn’t right, after all you know when your body aint right. Buttercup38 x

Hi Buttercup,

You’re very welcome to the Forum, You’ll find it a great place to find people who share the same problems and offer solutions. It’s also the place to find understanding, empathy and friendship.

Your MS nurse will be able to give you loads of advice and can refer you to other parts of the NHS if it becomes necessary. They are especially important because they know much more about MS than your GP does.

Best wishes,


Thankyou Anthony & it help’s to know that their are others with the same problem. Though i was glad to finally be diagnosed & actually thought it might be ms, but a bit shocked with it being ppms but just have to carry on with things, as they say life goes on & i won’t let it get on top of me & i must say the health teams i’ve been seeing have been great. Buttercup.