Ok, so I had my second appointment today.
To cut a long story short, I saw a lovely physio who, in less than an hour, is almost certain she has identified what is causing my balance problems, and is just as certain that I do not have ME/CFS (a diagnosis I have been living with for 22 years!)
She has identified that there is a problem with the messages going from my eyes to my vestibular system in my inner ear, which in turn are therefore not sending the correct signals to my feet. She did lots of tests on my eyes and freaked out when she asked me to move them up and down! Apparently my right eye was doing some very weird things! In another test, it was my left eye that wasn’t behaving normally, so there is obviously a problem with both of them.
Anyway, she reckons she can cure it. She said it will take a long time and it will be very unpleasant for me, but she can cure it if I am willing to do everything she says, to the letter, however unpleasant it is. I told her to bring it on!
I breifly mentioned my other symptoms, and she said that there are obviously other things going on that I still need to pursue with the Neurologists, doctors etc and that she will just be concentrating on the balance issues.
I then saw a Nurse who said she wanted to repeat my laying down then standing up BP, as last week it dropped when I stood up. It did exactly the same today, and took ages to come back up again, so now they reckon there is a problem with my autonomic system. She says she needs to speak to some doctors and speak to me again next week.
So, there we are! Not out of the woods yet, but if I can just sort out the balance I will be so happy! I do feel quite frustrated that I have lived with a probable mis-diagnosis for 22 years, but am now looking to the future rather than dwelling on a past I can’t change!
…and the moral of this story is “If you don’t feel comfortable with a diagnosis don’t just accept it. You know your body better than anyone and you know when things aren’t as you are being told. Never give up, and accept any help you are offered as you never know where it may lead.”