Hi everyone
This whole subject has been playing on my mind alot lately and I really am in a kerffufle as to what to do or say to my employers. My job invloves alot of driving on a daily basis and I know that I am going to have to say something due to company insurance etc.
Basically I have worked for the same company for well over 15 years now, I have a good sick record (even during my last relapse I was only out for 1 week) and am quite well respected by my work colleagues. My manager is a total tool and is the kind of person who loves to hear of somebodys misfortune. I have heard him laugh out loud when he has been told of ex employees being diagnosed with cancer and also when one of them had lost a child. He really is a nasty piece of work,.
The company is a large international organisation with a HR department who in my working life, I have had no involvement with whatsoever. I’ve never spoken to anyone from HR for anything and don’t really know how they work. In fact if they heard my name they would probably say who? I dont think we have a occupational sick person at work just somebody fills the role now and then.
I am currently doing my normal job quite easily and at the moment would not require any change or help with my role. I am afraid though, that if I was to discuss my MS with the HR department, then my manager would find out, make my life really hard and try his hardest to force me out. He has an issue with any person who he would describe as being “not the norm”, i.e white and a marathon runner!
Some days, my job can involve driving a round trip of well over 400 miles, which I can still do easily, I do worry though, that somebody might step in and remove me from my driving based job and put me in a position in house. I would not have a clue at what sort of role I would have or if I could even do the job.
If I am perfectly honest, the only reason that prompts me to tell my employer is a, due to the insurance and b, in case we have some sort of critical health policy in place which might pay out. We do have private medical insurance and death cover but that won’t cover MS I don’t think. I don’t own a home, I rent, but I do need to stay in employment for another 10 months just so that I can clear some debt that I have accumulated. Fitnesses wise, the work side of things should be do able, however my concern is that I will get hounded out of my job and end up in a spot of bother.
I am going to have to tell them pretty soon, but what should I do if things dont go right, would I need to go out sick long term? I know they can’t just sack me or can they? If I do talk to someone in HR about my new diagnosis, can I ask for confidentiality and what are the laws around this?
Sorry for the long post, I have tried to talk to my wife about the issue, but she is a bit scared about everything and at the moment doesn’t want to face the reality of the future I think.