Hi. I’ve been switched from Ponesmoid to Tecfideria and I’m experiencing some of the common side affects (nausea etc.). Did anyone taking Tecfideria experience this and did it settle? TIA
Hi, I’ve been on Tecfidera for about 3.5 years. Can’t say I’ve ever had any feelings of nausea. Had some hot flushes way back when i just started but they disappeared after a few weeks. Maybe Omeprazole may settle your nausea. Good luck.
Thank you, that’s very helpful. I’ve been vomiting for 3-days now with quite bad diarrhoea, so maybe this won’t be the drug for me. So frustrating and I’ve already failed one drug trial.
Yes I did experience various side effects in the early days of Tecfidera (been on it for 4-5 years now) but these settled within the first couple of weeks so hang on in there! I still get the rashes about 4-5 hours after taking the morning dose but they only last about 30 minutes at most and I’ve found eating a generous teaspoon of peanut butter (I use crunchy rather than smooth because I prefer that) makes a huge difference and usually prevents the rash. Good luck - Tecfidera has been a real game changer for me after Copaxone!
Thank you Jane, that’s good to hear. I’m struggling to work with my head down the toilet all day (and it’s also affecting my mobility), that’s the only thing. Waiting for a call back from my consultant so will discuss. Really want it to work out though so fingers crossed.
hi Wilf
hope you get some help from your consultant and some relief from your struggles with Tecfidera
Thank you
Tecfidera didn’t suit me at all. I only lasted 3 weeks and I stopped taking it when I started being sick. The anti sickness medication didnt work. I also had terrible bloating and flushing. Overall, it was a miserable 3 weeks. I’m now on Plegridy which suits me a lot more.
Hope your side effects have eased and if not you’re settled on another treatment.
Thanks Joey. Had to come off it in the end, so now waiting to try Vumerity so fingers crossed.