Hi, I started tecfidera a couple of days ago. I noticed that alot of people, don’t stay on the medication for long. How long have people on here been on tecfidera?? Was it side effects why you had to stop ??? Thanks in advance for any help.
I loved tecfidera. Was on it for 5 years. Never had any side effects. Only reason i got off were two new lesions. On mavenclad now Hope your experience will be equally good. Katy
I’ve been on it for 3 or 4 years now, not had any major problems. The only things I get are a runny nose sometimes, and occasional nausea a few hours after my morning pill, but that’s quickly fixed with a handful of nuts.Give it a try, if you don’t get on with it then swap to something else.
Good enough treatment but it brought my bloods down & they didn’t recover, so had to stop it.
I have been on TECFIDERA for 5 years, initially I had severe flushing and itching which was uncomfortable. I now take an aspirin with food in the morning and haven’t had any reactions in over 2 years. So far so good. Hope Tec works out for you, it’s a very convenient DMT.