Hi all,
So i’ve just found out that despite a recent flare-up of old and new symptoms, my MRI scan and LP have shown no new lesions. Two years ago, my MRI lit up like a Christmas tree and I was told my brain looked more like that of a 60-year-old (I was 35 at the time), they ruled out everything else so were suspecting MS.
But after various re-scans and no new lesions (although 6 months ago I was told there’d been new lesions, but then another consultant disagreed), i’m still no nearer to a diagnosis but at least my consultant has finally admitted defeat and is referring me onto a MS specialist for a second opinion.
Everyone is telling me no new lesions is “positive news” - I get that it is, but my primary feeling at the moment is one of sadness and frustration, oh and feeling like i’m going mad. My recent flare-up caused me to be confined to my bed for 4 days with pain, eye and speech changes, exhaustion etc, which I presumed meant things must be progressing, but now i’m left feeling like it was all psychosomatic (to make matters harder, i’m a clinical psychologist so know all about how the mind and body are linked).
I really do hate this, i’m fed up with it all, and wished I hadn’t shared any of this with other people because now i’m worried they all think i’m making it up too!
No one seems to understand…
For now, I better put my brave-face back on to now go and support my own patients with their stuff…
thank you very much for reading if you’ve got this far