Sudden severe fatigue etc

We recently passed the 5 year anniversary since my wife was last able to work and guess must be getting close to 3 years since she was officially diagnosed with MS.

She has lots of symptoms and has a fairly high level of disability but i think we cope ok and she doesn’t seem to fall very often anymore as she seems to recognise when its a bad day and takes it easy/stays on sofa.

It used to really annoy me that she would feel ashamed and pretend everything was fine to everyone else and constantly deny/play it down.More recently she has become much better and its become a bit of a joke as she is happy to say “its the MS” so the joke is " have you got MS?,did you know mum has MS? etc etc.i bite my tongue a bit as its friendly banter but it annoys me a bit that others living here still don’t really get even close to having any idea how this affects her.

Tonight she had wandered out to kitchen and soon called me,clinging to worktop as her legs had gone.i grabbed perching stool and got her on that where she stood.Thinking she would be ok in a few minutes to be helped back to lounge i cracked on with feeding dog,and carrying on with dinner. by the time i was serving up she was out of it with head half over sink and half on worktop.Not very comfy but clear she wasn’t ready to move so i called everyone for dinner.By the time we all finished she must have been there 30 minutes so i got my adult stepson to help me help her back to sofa.Her legs were totally shot and the 2 of us virtually had to carry her. I haven’t seen her this bad for a while and she is still totally out of it now nearly 2 hours later.I am sure her son has never even seen it close to this and was quite shocked,i feel quite emotional and think he was too.Hoping he takes this on board and takes it on himself to help out a bit more without being asked.

Will have to try to wake her soon for meds but don’t think i will be having much luck!

Hi, oh dear, what a shock this will have been for the son…with him not having seen his mum so bad before.

Can I ask a couple of questions please?

Has your wife been told what type of MS she has?

It sounds like it could be RRMS or perhaps SPMS.

I say this as she has suffered this sudden bout of worsening fatigue/mobility.

Is she on any DMDs?..drugs to slow/reduce attacks/relapses?

If not, has this been discussed with her neuro?

Having to wake her for her meds isnt that unusual, but it is something concerning.

Does she have an MS nurse? If so, maybe a phonecall to her will help.

I hope things improve for you all.


agree with Bouds - you need advice from the medics.

What happened to your wife was a serious occurrence - I wouldn’t class it as ‘severe fatigue’

She has RRMS and yes she is on a DMD.

This wasn’t a new thing just seemed at the time a lot worse than it has been and just shocked me a bit.I think If i had got her back to sofa straight away and she slept there without the dramatic look of being slumped over sink i wouldn’t have got so upset/concerned.She told me her son has actually picked her up off the floor before when her legs have gone so my hopes that it might open his eyes a bit more and have him doing more to help out might have been too optimistic.(hes not as bad as i am making him sound)

She seems a bit better today and has been good to herself and not tried doing much.She thinks its the usual worsening of everything that she tends to get when weather gets cold and combined with pushing herself too much recently,we did have a very busy day couple of day beforehand where she really pushed herself.I think maybe i was being a bit of a drama queen when i wrote this last night.Sorry

She doesn’t think she needs to trouble the Ms nurse but i will make sure she mentions at next meeting.

Hi I have progressive MS and on several occasions my legs have suddenly failed. This has resulted in some nasty falls as I get no warning. My MS nurse told me messages were not passing down my spine to my legs. It sometimes takes up to an hour before I get enough feeling back to be able to stand again.