Struggling to keep up with house cleaning

Hello - I’m not fanatical about house cleaning, but do try and make sure the house is reasonably clean. Just wondered what vacuum cleaner and floor mop folk found easiest to use and whether there were any designed for folk with limited mobility. I tend to sit whilst doing these chores and do a little bit at a time. Nowadays I’m finding my faithful old Henry vacuum rather cumbersome to use.

it’s said that after four days of not cleaning don’t get any dirtier!


I’m no help, because “reasonable cleanliness” for me just means there’s no insects or rodents. I’m on a first-name basis with my cobwebs now, and I’m considering teaching the dustbunnies how to fetch.


Hi, Muddles! Just wondering whether or not Social Services could help by getting you a cleaning person. Otherwise, there are lightweight vacuum cleaners, for example I’ve found that the cordless ones are a great deal lighter and easier to use. Of course, there are always the robotic vacuum cleaners but you have to have a pretty clear floor for them to get round OK, e.g. no wires or thick rugs - these don’t have quite the same suction power of a proper vacuum cleaner, but at least you can just sit down and watch it doing the work. Personally, I’ve used a cordless one for ages and am very happy with it. It has a small swivel head and a few attachments so that it can also be used as a handheld one. Hope this helps.

Hi i pay for a cleaner. I cant be doing with it. I have a lady who does my washing and also she will clean all my kitchen. she charges me 10.00 for the kitchen. the washing i pay about 20.00 that includes all the bedding and my clothes.

My cleaner comes on thursday and cleans for me cost me 20.00 for 2 hours. all sounds a lot but i cant be doing with it all. I can do basic dust and i have a special stick hoover which you can unclip and it becomes a hand held vacuum even she loves that it is cordless as you just charge it. it last a good time on charge. I cant remember the exact name my daughter has one too as she is disabled and its very light weight. i can let you know what its called later when i get up. but i have been able to use it as like you i would sit and do the floors if i felt like cleaning.

to clean floor i use METHOD cleaning products from tesco. you just put the stuff on the floor and use a special pad thing to clean it off, it smells lovely, i use wild rhubarb for the kitchen and bathroom, and almond polish for my laminate. well i dont she does lol she loves it. also a lightweight steam cleaner which she uses first to give the floors a good clean.

you could ask adult social services in your area to visit you for an assessment and see if you can have direct payments and care hours this will pay for a cleaner for you.

good luck i will send over the name later it really is fab and lightweight. as to dusting well as and when lol.

found it. its this one or similar.

Thanks for the responses. Good to know I’m not the only one who has a cobweb or two. Have thought about getting a cleaner, but at present my 93 year old mum wants/demands to help. She is amazing. I’m sure that a some stage I’ll need a cleaner. Will look at getting a cordless vacuum (possibly Dyson V7)and will look at the Tesco cleaning products.

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Thanks for the recommendation- will look at this one too.

I got a cleaner last year as I couldn’t physically do it anymore - I LOVE HER! I love coming home from work and it’s all nice and clean. She hangs my laundry out and gets my bins in ( jobs I can’t do). It is so worth the money.

I’ve got a Bosch cordless and it is the best money I ever spent. My cleaner comes Weds, my mum comes Sunday, and between them my house is pretty clean!

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When I recently got a new care assessment, I was told they don’t pay for cleaning out of Direct Payments. But thats just my LA...Yours may be different…and kinder!

I don’t travel anywhere in the house (in my leccy w/chair) without my trusty feather duster!

I can flick away obvious dust and cobwebs that are within reach as soon as I spot them! If I waited until I had the energy to get my duster bag out, the dust would be there forever.

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I recently got a steam mop which helps immensely because it means I can do everything at my own pace and can shut it off and sit down when I need to, and it also reaches super far even if I’m sitting, also means I don’t need to scrub the floor using a normal mop that hurts my hands or get down on my knees (and probably never get up! ) and scrub the floors.

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I sense I’m on my way to being able to clean my house with greater ease. Think I’ll look into getting a steam mop, a cordless vac and a trusty feather duster. Thanks for your thoughts.

I pay for a cleaner. It just got too much for me. Plus when still living in a house, doing the stairs was pretty lethal with crappy balance. Can’t bend or stand on anything so couldn’t do up high or down low. Out of frustration, I found a marvellous cleaner who comes once a fortnite. We wouldn’t be without her!

Hi NorasMom. I am definatley on first name with the spiders in my house. My mom keeps saying why don’t you chuck them out but I said there is no point they will only come back! My house is nearly 300 years old and I think the cobwebs add to the character of the house. I live on my own so nobody sees the cobwebs except me anyway.


Yes, I have a husband and wife team that come once a fortnight for an hour, so 2 hours.

They will do anything I ask, even take things to charity shop/tip and change my sheets etc.

I’m out working when they come so to make list writing easier I’ve printed a list of the most common jobs. eg

18 - bring in a basket of logs I just write 18 x 2

Works really well. Husband does heavy jobs/weeding/ putting bins out etc

Wife is a tornado whizzing round the house. Couldn’t survive without them.

Great investment.


You know Joan Rivers once said a great thing;;;; you clean the house, vacuum the stairs, wash the dishes, make the beds…and then…6 months later, you have to do it all over again! True! Its been a few years since yours truly did any of these mind blowing activities!

I read all the posts with a gentle smile cos I used to be quite particular about my home, but have graduated to the soft focus look. No dirt/dust free edges any longer. I can’t use my new lightweight appliances anymore & my cleaner is unfamiliar with corners and cobwebs, treads round the middle with the vacuum,and doesn’t respond well to dusting requests, but I she helped me last summer when I couldn’t take the heat. I did pay her for her time, but no amount of money will buy kindness and I think that outweighs putting up with generously dust covered soft look furniture and more. Id like to think my faith in her is not misplaced. Good luck muddles, try to save your energy for something more rewarding. Regretfully, I didn’t. Keep stuff neatly stacked - hides many sins.

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My tactics of choice are a (wonderfully light) cordless Dyson and strategic short-sightedness.


Probably the most straightforward way of getting your home all together is to have an ordinary cleaning and cleaning schedule. In the event that you don’t have a timetable to wash the floors, clean the restrooms, vacuum, do clothing, and general cleaning up, almost certainly, you will consistently be saying, “I can’t keep my home clean.”

Make a timetable and confirm when you’ve done a job. Being considered responsible, regardless of whether it is simply to your rundown, makes a difference.

It’s been said that it requires two months to shape a propensity. Adhering to a routine is one propensity for individuals with clean houses. On the off chance that you can hang in with your new daily schedule for that long, it will end up being a propensity.