yes i have hycosan by my side right now lol. where i moved oh my goodness its hayfever central, more blossoms then you can believe. trees which affect me too. never had hayfever before lol. thank goodness for hycosan. xxx
another thought is sjorgrens. it can come with MS as its another auto immune, causes dry eye and mouth both i have but so far test negative. i dont use your Tospium, i find i think mine is down to living in sheletered where they keep the heating on in the corridor even in the summer lol. so glad your feeling better though. xxxx i hate blurry eyes. x
I doubt that it’s Sjörens as my dry mouth has improved massively since stopping Trospium. Thankfully. I’ve got/had enough autoimmune diseases as it is! I think I’ll stick with the ones I have!
I’m about done with MS, thyroid (overactive - Graves Disease cured by surgery - now underactive), eczema and the possibility of AI liver. I’m not 100% convinced by the liver, my rehab neuro just believes I’ve got it because any time my system dislikes a drug it causes elevated LFTs / hepatitis. So I think I’ll give Sjörens a miss! I’ve also been tested for RA and coeliac - both negative.
I am a massive fan of Hycosan though. It’s great, makes my eyes feel so much better. My GP started prescribing horrible hay fever eye drops - they just hurt my eyes. Then my optician suggested Hycosan and I’ve used it ever since.
You are all utterly brilliant for adding your thoughts to my own! Who needs doctors when we have each other
(obviously tongue in cheek!)
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lol comes with age and experience and having some of the worse horrible diseases going.
ok if you dry mouth improved good, it was just the two connected. My mum always had dry mouth from her BP tablets but her eyes were ok.
i lay in bed last night awake at 3am. I had itchy head, itchy sore breast, my left foot was agony and on fire, my eye was sore as i have also got blepharitis and INGROING EYELASHES, IBS, needed another pee (constant uti) itchy pile as constipated ha ha. still i managed to drift off until 5am again. Yes i have a spare hycosan always.
hell i am 70 at my age things fall off. you got laugh, for sure lol. xxxxx I HAD hepatitis at 7 years old lol. x
Hmmm fingers crossed you feel a bit better now. I have a particular mate who faced with a list of my issues would always say "that’s nothin’ " and would rattle off his list of inanities, and I then had to smile. This won’t work for everyone,so please feel free to tell me to bog off. 
Ok bog off Mick (since you offer so nicely!)
Oh not that old chestnut again!!
Nice bird. If you don’t mind me saying so…
I just got flicked to the brilliant Brainfog thread (from 2017) and had a quick read around, the dry AD humour still makes me smile. 
I don’t read the old BF. Makes me sad(der). But I have a ‘few’ (couple of hundred or so) pages of PMs & emails to & from the lunatic. Now and then they make me smile (or smirk, occasionally laugh). Sometimes, especially right at the end, I cry. The first was sent by him on 31/12/16. It says ‘Happy New Year’. I really wish I’d kept every single email - but then after nearly 4 years, they would probably break our wifi due to the sheer volume.
I keep on being directed to the BF thread. This site seems to think there is one post among the 15,000+ that I’ve not read! Imagine that! I missed someone’s post!
Anyway, I started reading the early posts in spite of feeling a bit sad and omg he was brilliant. The thread was fabulous wasn’t it? It’s a tad disjointed now because the replies don’t follow on - the posts are just in order of time posted. (Imagine getting to that bit where we were trying to shrink the posts Mick? Total nonsense!)
What a flipping loss to the world of sheer nonsense and silliness! (As well as being an exceptionally kind and empathetic man!)
This forum (and his friends) have lost someone special with Anthony’s death.
Sue x
yep, certainly is double edged, I was a little irritated about the 10k unread message reminders, but enjoyed much of the silliness. Empathy and humour, what a legacy. As you say, what a loss and as I say how lucky we were to interact with the CEO of Durer enterprises of East Cheam…

I am now trying to work out what he might have said about the new forum layout (probably wouldn’t give a damn and try to sell the old format on ebay. )
Or swap the old forum for several tons of rhino dung!
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