still waiting

I’ve just joined so sorry if the post is not the best.

Currently awaiting to be diagnosed. Had symptoms for around 3 yrs now. started off with pins an dneedles feeling in my left arm. Had ct scan, mri and lumbar puncture- all ok.

Have not seen neurologist for around 18mths but got apt coming up after cahsing it and finding i was way overdue -think they ha dforgotten bout me!

New symptoms include numbness and pins and needles in left arm and leg and, sometimes in right leg.

Pain and patchy vision- sometimes with colour vision affected

tiredness, problems getting words out and concentration issues. new this week is a numbness in my tongue.

All the tests I’ve had have come back as inconclusive- what do you think my neurologist will do next?


Hi Beth and a big welcome to the site.

Sorry you’ve been going through such a bad time and really hope you get some answers soon.

If it’s 3 years since you had a brain MRI and an LP I would think, given your symptoms, that the neuro would want to do them again. Very difficult to dx MS without lesions showing on brain and positive LP… as I’m sure you know. But lesions might be showing now.

Were the tests more recent than 3 years? That might be a problem and they might want to wait for a while before they do another MRI.

Very frustrating for you hon and I know how hard it is.

Take a list to neuro visit with symptoms that have appeared since you last went.

Are problems with your eyes new? Neuro will definitely be interested in that and will take a look at your eyes to see if the optic nerve has been affected. That could be another piece of evidence toward a dx of MS… although there are other conditions that can cause that as well.

Really wish you luck with your appointment and hope you get some answers soon.

Pat x

Hey Beth and welcome.

It sounds like you’re overdue for a repeat MRI.

I was seen last oct had an MRI then and then had one 6 months later with a plan to repeat in 6-12 months again. So no reason why can’t have another scan now. I’m having similar issues in that my scans haven’t shown anything specific but I’ve had 3 new epsiodes since my episode in oct. I’ve seen one MS specialist (who was terrible) and then a general neurologist who said he thought it could be MS but the signs on my scan just weren’t there yet and has referred me to another MS specialist.

Its difficult as some people get a quick diagnosis some people are pushed from pillar to post and for others its a waiting game for something to actually show up on the scans and confirm.

Hope you get answers soon.



thanks for the replies.


eye problem getting worse so saw optom today who was lovely and has refered me urgently to the eye hospital with suspected optic neuritis.

Last night I started getting almost electric shocks going down my arms- kinda weird sensation and a little painful.

thanks for the replies.


eye problem getting worse so saw optom today who was lovely and has refered me urgently to the eye hospital with suspected optic neuritis.

Last night I started getting almost electric shocks going down my arms- kinda weird sensation and a little painful.

Good luck with the hospital and hope you get your neuro appointment soon Beth.

Sorry you’re getting pain and electric shock sensation. Heat can make things worse. Try and stay cool a possible.

Pat x

Thanks- quick question for you. I keep getting really hot and clamy. Is this another symptom or just me?

Opinions vary on this. Chances are a neuro would say no. But I get it and know others with MS do so personally I think it is a symptom.

Pat x

still waiting to hear about eye appointment, anyone know what they will do to check this in the hospital?