Stated dmd after 8 year of being diagnosed help ??

Hi, I have rrms, diagnosed in 2010, symptoms since 2007. I started copaxone in 2018, had MRI new lesions. So started tecfidera in February this year. I just wondered as i have not been on dmds for 8 years after being diagnosed. Whether the dmds would be less effective going forward, I know the damage that has already been done cannot be repaired. Just wondered if anyone has been in similar situation,and has any advise. Are the dmds helping with reducing relapses etc. Thanks for any advice x

I was diagnosed in2009 and did not start copaxone until 2016. As I have had breast cancer and on medication to prevent its return (hopefully) the only d.m.d i could have was copaxone. I did not start d.m.d earlier as I did not suffer any relapses etc, maybe that was wrong of me but my neuro was always very backing with decision. Ironically my first and only relapsde was just before my operation for the breast cancer and it rendered me quite disabled. I had steroids and after a ferw weeks things improved.

I am still mobile but things have most definitely got worse. I am adapting as each “NEW ME” occurs.

Take care everyone, love Mary

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We can’t do anything about the past, so there’s really no point looking back. Not that we don’t all do it: the number of times I have wished I had changed to Tysabri a few years earlier than I did…! Never mind. All we can do is be on the right drug for us right now, and you (and I) have done that, and hurrah for it.



Absolutely Alison, you are so right.xx

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