Somewhere to live ASAP

Glad you are feeling better.


So glad you’re feeling brighter Jay and that lovely mum is taking care of you.

And you’re very welcome. Like Poll says we are all here for each other whenever we need an ear.

Keep us up to date me old chum.

Shazzie xx

i haven’t replied to jason but it just shows how wonderful you lot are.

now jason has felt the love

carole x

Hi all,

So thought i would update you again, havent been able to get online lately and not been having a good time to be honest, been clashing with mum something awful and she kicked me out again saturday morning :frowning:

I managed to stay with a friend for a couple of nights and am still really poorly with this cold / flu it came back with a vengeance, have been in contact with housing most days but still waiting for decision from panel and im desperately trying to avoid going in to a hostel as im not mentally or physically strong enough to handle that :frowning:

Have managed to kind of sort things with mum and came back today, and rapidly losing my will to fight anymore i just cant seem to catch a break :frowning: I try and find strength every day to battle on but my resources and energy and running dangerously low :frowning:

Im grateful to have this forum to vent on and hear nice words from you all though x

hi jason

good to hear an update from you.

sorry that it isn’t good news.

take heart from the saying “this too will pass”.

you need to get rid of that cold/flu first because you can’t fight for your rights when you feel ill.

i wish i could help you but … can’t bloody help myself!

carole x

Hi Carole

Thanks for the post, wish this year would just sod off now :frowning: been nothing but heartache and pain for me :frowning: I know it will pass sometime its just hard finding the strength to keep going sometimes.

Am trying to shift the cold but it seems to be clinging on, if its no better in next day or so am gonna go to docs.

Seems im locked in a vicious circle at the mo, hopefully ill break it somehow soon and get a bit of a break so i can smile again and draw some energy from somewhere.

Part of the problem is no one actually understands this illness or how it feels etc because its not a visible , tangible thing they can understand, i have one friend half my age ( im 44 ) and he has more time for me and understanding than anyone ! For that im really grateful because he actually tries to listen and understand !

And of course all of you who will get it and understand x

Oops, that was me and wasn’t meant to be Anon.

Ha ok no problem

Oh Jason, it sounds dreadful for you. I hope you get to see your GP before the weekend. If you are feeling poorly and run down, it won’t help how you’re feeling, not to mind the dreaded MS. Have you spoken with your MS nurse, assuming you have one. If she and your GP could provide letters to the Housing dept. it might help. As someone suggested earlier too, DO talk to a local MP. They really can help, even if they plead your case on your behalf to the Housing people. I wish you well.

Hi Poppy,

Yeh its not great to say the least, really hard to see my GP as he only works 2 days a week :frowning: But if im not better i will go see duty doc.

I have called the MS nurse twice now and they still havent come back to me :frowning: im going to call again tomorrow. My memory is not great at the moment so trying to do lots of things is a struggle but i will keep on the case and am going to contact my local MP asap as i need all the help i can get a t the moment :frowning:

Thank you for the nice comments etc though

It seems to be a trait of MS nurses…to remain elusive! I have found a “paper trail” (as such,) of emails gets me results with mine. Calls and voice messages are ignored, but a reference to them in an email, “with regards to my three recent voice mails that seem to have been overlooked” has ALWAYS got a reply.

That would explain it then ! i will see if i can find an email address for them then ( needle , haystack springs to mind ) but worth a go !

Jason — something bothers me about your posts…


Im sorry ?? What do you mean ?

Hi Jason please,please get in touch with your local mp,you can google to find out how to get in touch,they will fight your corner regarding housing,i cant tell you just how much they helped my daughter,if we hadn’t got in touch with them she would still be fighting the council, she went from having no needs according to them ,to high priority within a week of the mp getting involved.

J x

Hi Mrs J

Havent been online today as been resting but am about to compose an email to MP and to MS nurse, still feeling rough from this virus but think im a little better after resting.

Sorry to learn things are still difficult and that you’ve had a fall out with your mum.

It must be hard for her being bi polar too!

I dunno why Krak said what he did???

Once again I’ll wish you better days ahead.


Its ok ill get there in the end… And yeh not sure what that comment was about either ??

On a plus note the MS nurse rang me today after an email sent and arranging an appt asap :slight_smile:

Hi all,

Sorry have been recovering from the horrid flu and getting back onmy feet so thought i would post an update for you all…

All good news :slight_smile: Firstly im on the council housing register so can now start bidding for a 1 bed flat and been put in quite high banding which is great !! Hae my first appointment with MS Nurse tomorrow at 1pm and my PIP assessment next wed ! So all rolling along quite nicely now, am feeling much more positive and 2017 looks like its gonna be a much better year :slight_smile:

Want to say thanks again for all the lovely comments and advice you are a lovely bunch of people and i wish you all a very happy xmas x


Good to read Jason. When someone reaches rock bottom, the only way then is up. Happy xmas to you too.