I’m on my second day of increased baclofen - an extra tablet in the afternoons, to try to ward off evening spasticity.
First indications are that it doesn’t seem to be working. Or could it even be making things worse? I’ve just had probably my worst spasm EVER. From my toes, all the way up to my groin. It was so painful, I was praying out loud to God (and I’m not a deeply religious person). I couldn’t think of anything else to do.
Of course, I couldn’t take an extra baclofen, which would have been my normal response, because I’ve already had one today. So I somehow half limped, half dragged myself to the kitchen, and managed to take a full 5mg of diazepam, which I have for emergencies (prescribed for anxiety, but by a lucky coincidence, also a muscle-relaxant).
Starting to get some relief now - enough to be able to sit here and type this - which was out of the question a few minutes ago. But still having to move extremely cautiously, as the leg “wants” to cramp again (You know that feeling)
I’ve strained all the muscles in the entire leg, and am sure I’m going to feel very bruised and sore tomorrow.
I’m hoping it’s just a one-off, as I do remember having a similar incident some years ago, long before I was diagnosed, but it has not yet become a regular feature. On that occasion, I wondered whether to ring for an ambulance, but had never heard of anybody doing so just for “cramp” - which is not, to the best of my knowledge, a medical emergency, no matter how bad it might be.
Phew! I’m absolutely exhausted now, and covered in sweat. Looks like I’ve been giving birth or something.
Oh, I’m not impressed that I’ve now got to type a “Captcha” to enter my post, by the way. Is this now universal, or is it because I’ve got a product name in my title, or something?