Should I ask for a new MRI

Hi there been a member for a while but not posted yet until now.I fell four years ago on to my face.My hands were the first to hit the ground and I kind of fell over them if that makes sense…Two weeks after recovering for my facial injury I woke up with stiff burning hand sensations.Which lasted for two weeks.I went to my GP who referred me to the Rheumatologist.By the time I was able to see him the stiffness and burning sensations had spread to the rest of my body,I was getting the hug sensation,memory problems and problems emptying my bladder along with other symptoms.He said he thought I had Fibromyalgia and referred me to a Neurologist to cancel other diagnosis.When I saw her she did a few tests on my feet and said she thought I had FND where my brain is not working as well as it should.I pushed for an MRI of my brain.I actually had an MRI and my spine which showed indentations on my spine due to collapsed discs in two areas but that my brain was normal for some one of my age…This was 5 years ago now and although I have got my head around Fibro and FND diagnosis I am really worried as my mobility is really failing and my balance,My memory is none existent.Should I ask for a new MRI on my brain and spine.I keep having rib pain and the ms hug.Im not convinced of my diagnosis

Gosh, I don’t know but I suppose you could ask if the neurologist is definitely ruling out MS?

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From what you’ve said, in your shoes I would be pushing for a review of your case. Nothing’s set in stone in this life, particularly, perhaps, when your dx is something that is (it seems to me) sometimes defined more by what it isn’t than what it is. I am no expert in anything and know nothing about it, but I would want someone to take another look.

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