Repeat prescription hasn't come :(

They still haven’t come! I’m verging on crying.

I just rang them AGAIN.

“We deliver until closing time, Madam”

(When’s that? 5 p.m? 5.30 at the latest? So a max of 1 hr left to go.)

“Yes, I know, but can you please check for me it has gone on the van?”

Long pause, sound of typing…

“Er, no Madam, we still haven’t got one or two things. Are you very low?”

“YES! I was very low when I rang yesterday, AND this morning. I ordered a week ago!”

“We could see if we could get something to you ASAP tomorrow morning?”

“That’s not good enough. I’ve only got half a tablet for tonight. I’m meant to be taking a whole tablet.”

“I’ll have to phone the driver, and see if we can get anything to you tonight. Goodbye, Madam!”

I thought he was going to stay on the line and tell me, but I guess they’ve only got one phone.

For goodness sake. I don’t know how much clearer I could have made it this morning, even saying: “It’s no laughing matter, because I had a really rough night!”

I can’t believe that, following that exchange, they still thought it was OK to just leave it. I was promised they would come.


Right, called them back.

Apparently the only bit missing was the Baclofen, which is the least urgent, as I’ve still got about 10 days left. So they were going to hold up the whole order, just for that!

They’ve said they still can’t do the Baclofen, but the rest should be with me within about 90 minutes.

Fingers crossed, eh?

Deep breaths, count to ten…



This all beggars belief! Someone needs to be struck off either a medical or pharmacological register for this situation. Strikes me as ‘computer says no’ yet again in what are supposed to be caring professions. My pharmacy holds such low stocks of certain medicines sometimes that you can guaratee they’ll only give you half your prescribed amount and ask you to come back at some time in the future for the rest - low stock = money saving, sadly.

Hope you get it eventually. x

This all beggars belief! Someone needs to be struck off either a medical or pharmacological register for this situation. Strikes me as ‘computer says no’ yet again in what are supposed to be caring professions. My pharmacy holds such low stocks of certain medicines sometimes that you can guaratee they’ll only give you half your prescribed amount and ask you to come back at some time in the future for the rest - low stock = money saving, sadly.

Hope you get it eventually. x

Right, all of it has just come except ONE packet of Baclofen. They weren’t completely out of it - just couldn’t do the full amount. That’s what they were holding it up for. After the customer has already phoned twice, to say she’s getting desperate.

They’d obviously hoped to get away with just one delivery trip, instead of having to come back with the rest.

I’ve got an “IOU” for the remaining packet of Baclofen.



Oh Tina

I hope that by now you have received your medication, someone’s head should roll, this is just not good enough.

I bet if it was their medication they would make sure there is no hold up.

Pam x

thank god for that! finally… i’d go back to boots if i were you, then at least you know know there’s a huge company that you can make a complaint to. i’ve found that even though you get the occasional ball$ up, they do get things delivered the next day if they run out. i’d make a complaint about the pharmacy to the doctors if it were me, someone needs rollocking… that should start with a B though, ahem.

sweet dreams tonight.

wendy x

I had no idea you could get medication delivered! I was going to the doc and chemist dragging two small kids every month.

Glad you got your meds, definitely chase them up early next time,

Hi Lou,

Certainly the theory, although, as you see from my story, I think it might sometimes be more stress than dragging two small kids to the doc & chemist!

On a more serious note, though, do look into it. Definitely most big chains do it - though I think some charge. Some small independents do as well.

Mine is part of a medium chain - I think mostly covering the South West and Midlands. They don’t charge for it, but maybe that’s why it’s so rubbish? :frowning:

I was really upset with them yesterday, especially when I found out they already had 90% of the order, but had delayed sending it without the missing 10%, despite knowing I was desperately low on some things.

Surely they must realise it’s better for a patient to receive a slightly short order, but get most of it, than to receive nothing at all?

If you made a decision to leave an animal in pain overnight, because it would save you an extra trip and a few minutes of petrol, that would be against the law, but the same does not apply to people. They seemed to have made the decision that fewest possible journeys was a higher priority than patient welfare.

Ordinarily, if I had plenty left, I wouldn’t mind holding on until they had everything. But hardly appropriate, when the patient is so low they’re down to their last half pill, when they’re meant to be taking whole ones!


Have been a bit better today. Have been mildly relapsy for a couple of weeks. Nothing earth-stopping, but a bit depressing. Definitely didn’t need a load of stress about getting meds - symptoms were markedly worse yesterday.



I forget exactly where you live now - I know it’s not a 100 miles from me!

I can order any number of the items on my repeat list. I sometimes order the lot at once, but not always. I don’t always take the pills as originally dispensed so don’t need as much as the repeat slip thinks I do! We don’t have computerised reordering, though. Which I know exists in other areas, and will roll out everywhere at some point. Plus I have blood testing stuff that I don’t need as often.

I would suggest that you have an appointment to talk with a permanent pharmacist, preferably the pharmacy manager, at the pharmacy you use to discuss the problems you’ve been having. Don’t speak to a locum at the pharmacy about this as they may only be there for a day and not have a clue how the system works there. They might, but they may not. They’ll know about the drugs, but maybe not how ‘the system’ works at that pharmacy.

As far as the script not reflecting the amount your neuro says you can take, I’d contact your neuro via his/her secretary asking get them to contact your GP and let them know by phone or email. Why is it so hard?!?!? And they’re all moving next month! They being Southmead and Frenchay hospitals. Expect chaos! The BrAMS clinical center at Frenchay is moving twice!!!

I hope you get this sorted out and can live without the stress of just getting your prescriptions ready for you to use when you need them!

Take Care, Ellen

Hi I have Parkinson’s disease and my medication comes in weekly I have just realised that it hasn’t come my doctor and chemist are closed on Saturday HELP have no back mess thank you


​this thread is over 3 yrs old! Maybe start your own with your question…


Plus, this is an MS forum. Do you have both MS and Parkinson’s? If so, I’m truly sorry, that’s a double whammy. But I don’t know that any one on here is going to be able to help. Seems strange that the chemist is shut on a Saturday!


If your Parkinsons medication is co-careldopa (Sinemet, Madopar) or Ropinerole (several brands) you need to talk nicely to your GP.
My wife gets hers at about a month at a time.


Smythy, You could try your local hospital. They may be able to help. Anthony

I asked my boyfriend, who is a pharmacist, for his advice. He suggested you try and contact a pharmacy in the same chain as your regular pharmacy first. Failing that, if you can’t contact your GP or pharmacy, phone 111 and ask for their advice. You may need to supply proof of your prescription and be able to pick the prescription up from a pharmacy. It’s worth knowing that if you use a regular pharmacy it makes the process of getting a couple of days emergency supply a lot easier and quicker!

Boots do an emergency prescription pick up. Had to do it for my Dad, he has Parkinsons, presuming someone can get it for you & there’s 1 near (Dad’s was 30 miles away from Boots, I travelled 60 miles to pick it up). You need to phone the NHS line, they will arrange for a prescription to be picked up at local Drs or emergency chemist. Depends where you live, nightmare if like Dad, you live in a remote location.

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Smythy, why are yours weekly? Dad’s are monthly, as are mine. Are you newly diagnosed & they are trying to reach a control?