Hi everyone, can anyone give me some advice regarding a work situation.
I work part time as a customer assistant in Boots.
Recently for the second time I have been furloughed. We have also been under threat of redundancy.
We all had to go through a process to basically fight for our jobs. I thought okay that’s me gone, even though I’ve been there 20yrs.
Luckily for me, so I thought, I was told my job was safe!I only have 4yrs to go before I retire and as I’m only part time, I would only receive one year’s salary if made redundant, so not much really.
Now I’m going back on Thursday but was told there’s been changes and they’ve taken away some of tills that can only be used for refunds and online orders where my seat usually is,(now removed).
I said that this was a problem ! Also my shifts would also have to change . Then I was asked if there is another store I’d like to go to. All of this normally the company are legally aloud to do.
In my mind though , now the redundancy time has passed, for me they’ve changed the goal posts. I belong to the union so I’ll be getting in touch with them, but just want to be prepared with my arguments when I speak to my manager.
Sorry for the long post but I’m so stressed at the moment. Also in the process of mandatory reconsideration with PIP cause they kept me on standard, having to re-go over all my papers, taking pictures of aids etc!
Just sooo stressed, any advice greatly received, sorry again
First thing if you intend to speak anyone officially within the store have someone at your side.
Doesn’t matter if the tills have been removed along with your chair, they have a duty of care to make reasonable adjustments whilst you still work at that store.
If they’ve moved the till’s and therefor made that current role redundant they will need try and offer you a role that falls into the category that will suit your disability.
They are the ones making this change, not you asking for a change.
Same will apply if you moved stores.
They have to be seen to make these reasonable adjustments within your current role where ever possible, offering you the chance to work at another store straight off the bat without considering your disability cannot be classified as “carrying out reasonable adjustments” in your current role at your current store.
Get your Union involved NOW, don’t wait.
Ask your Union if they have someone who deals with or has experience in dealing with disabled members rights.
No good taking in a Union rep who does not know what you are legally entitled to as a disabled person or what the company has a legal obligation to carry out in regards to dealing with a disabled employee.
Good luck, don’t take nonsense, remember that your employer has a legal duty to you to act within the law !!
Thanks jactac for your reply, I feel a bit stronger now with my arguments . I know what they’re like from passed experience when the doing reprofiling. When I mentioned union they sorted it out straight away. I’m defo gonna ring USDAW tomorrow!
thanks again Kim xx
I am sure your Union will be well informed, but the Disability Law Service might be useful too.
MS legal advice service | Multiple Sclerosis Society UK (mssociety.org.uk)
Nothing as useful as the comments above to add, but I did want to wish you the best of luck.
Thank you for responses I really appreciate them and thanks for the links, I’ll have a study session and make some notes!
best wishes Kimxx
You have to be very specific in what you need at work for you to continue working.
You need to to familiarise yourself with Disability - Employment Law - (see above) and you need to refer to this Law when dealing with your employer.
Get a mindset where you want to continue working and are going to fight all the way to keep working - certainly don’t be apologetic for having m.s. and don’t be half-hearted about things.
Hopefully the Union will help - if not consult a Disability/Employment solicitor - a letter from him/her will cost you but my guess you’ll get exactly what you want re work conditions/security etc.
And a major company like Boots wouldn’t want to be seen as a discriminatory employer.