Hi folks,
I just needed a rant, and I’m coming here because I know there are people in the same boat or who’ve been there. I’m in that pre-diagnosis limbo and I’m feeling incredibly frustrated right now. I just wish there was something I could do!
Story so far: My symptoms are weakness in one leg, occasionally buckling at random; painful spasms in various parts of the body; non-painful twitches in various parts of the body; extreme fatigue; facial pain; bladder problems. Tests: MRI showed lesions that are in an area suggestive for MS, but not definite; LP results were normal. Neuro was convinced she would be giving me a firm RRMS diagnosis until she saw the LP results, which surprised her. As it is, she’s not happy about giving me a diagnosis right now. I completely understand that, because if it’s something else that looks like MS she doesn’t want to give me the wrong medication, but I just feel so helpless.
The last couple of weeks have been really difficult with the fatigue, trying to explain to my colleagues just how I feel. People respond with “Yeah, I think everyone’s a bit tired at the moment” and I want to shout at them, even though it’s not their fault, but they just don’t understand the difference between being tired and having this level of fatigue. My managers know exactly what’s going on, but my other colleagues only know that I’ve had a lot of tests and I’m generally not very well. It’s so hard to tell people that I feel so worn out that I want to cry when my pupils leave, because I have so much paperwork to do and by that time I’ve run out of energy. I have a lovely class, and if I thought it was affecting the quality of my actual teaching I would stay off, but I’ve had so much time off with this that I am trying to keep going as much as possible. Without a diagnosis, I can’t give HR a good reason for why I’m off so much.
The pain and twitches at night mean I can’t sleep very well. I’m forever tossing and turning and feel like I’m going mad. I have quinine for spasms but it hasn’t been very effective lately. My neuro suggested I try gabapentin for the pain but I wasn’t ready to take a painkiller every day until now - I’m seeing my GP tomorrow so will ask to try it. I’m occasionally walking with a crutch to take the pressure off my leg, although that one always gets the question “What have you done?” and without a diagnosis I can’t even give people a quick answer!
I’m just incredibly frustrated. I won’t get a diagnosis or treatment unless something else happens and I get a new symptom, which I obviously don’t want. Rock, meet hard place! I had some horrible spasms in my ribs the other night that I’m pretty sure were a one-sided MS hug, but my GP said it’s just another spasm so isn’t significant as a new symptom.
I’m not really asking for any specific advice, I don’t think, I just felt the need for a rant in a space where other people would understand what I’m talking about! Thanks for reading if you made it this far!