Hi David, I was dx in April 2008, so over 4 years now. Had some symptoms for up to 10 years before that but stuff that came and went and got forgotten… except fatigue which had been around for ages.
I would say my MS has slowly progressed in that time. Mobility is difficult. I get around my flat ok using furniture and walls for balance, but some days I use walking stick in flat. On ‘good’ days I can walk up small side street where I live, using walking stick. For anything longer I use mobility scooter. But it does seem to vary by the day or even by the hour.
When I was dx I had a constant buzzing, vibrating feeling in my legs. That has spread to torso and to my insides… strange feeling of vibrating inside my chest and stomach.
Hands go through periods of ‘clawing’ esp when tired, or one finger will decide to do a jig for a day or two. Pain mainly in legs (a dull ache and sometimes sharp shocks of pain) and I get ‘hug’ quite a bit which I hate (esp when tired or stressed).
It’s so hard to say really as the list goes on and on… some days I have trouble swallowing. I have double vision all of the time but some days worse than others… but usually I can still read if print isn’t too small. Cognitive stuff… again varies by the day but sometimes I get very confused. Dizziness… again sometimes very bad spinning and sometimes no more than a light-headed feeling.
Over-riding all of these and million other little symptoms is generally a feeling of being ill. I suppose it’s a bit like having a bad dose of flu all of the time (even with fever sometimes in evening).
However I count myself as lucky as most of these symptoms are minor… except when you put them all together. Hard to say when different things happened. Mostly they sort of creep up on me and some of them hang around and other last only a day or so.
Well done you for still working!!! Along with all the above (and more!) I think the fatigue is the most disabling and is why I gave up working. That is with me every day. Sometimes just a general fatigue where I spend a lot of the day resting. Sometimes more severe when even getting to the bathroom is like climbing Everest. Sometimes very sudden… like someone has pulled my plug out… and it feels like I can barely breathe. Can’t talk. Just have remain where I am and wait for it to pass. Really quite scary although I’m used to it now.
So I haven’t had the sort of stuff where you wake up one morning and can’t move legs or whatever. In that way I count myself lucky. Touch wood mine will remain this slow and steady.
Well David you did ask and as you can see, given the encouragement I could go on and on… and on… LOL…
One more thing… I never ever catch a virus. Haven’t had so much as light head cold for years… so my immune system is most definitely on daily battle alert! I think the flu feeling, fever etc is all linked to that.
Pat x