I go to specsavers and can get in usually with a day’s notice, because they know I have M.S. If I have any eye changes at all, they are my first port of call. The manager spends about 1.25 hours looking at my eyes, asking questions, doing the picture thingy, then usually pronouncing that it is just a change and absolutely nothing wrong, just another blasted change I didn’t want. However, twice I have been there and she has then sent me to the hospital for an eye picture then phoned my GP to tell him. I went to the GP to ask and he said, always go to get your eyes seen as he can’t do that.
So each time, there has been nothing that has needed treating and all fine. But, they are all very clear, don’t mess about with your eyes, get them seen. If you broke your arm you wouldn’t hang about till you got it seen.
I do get cloudy eyes, it is one of my signs along with cramps, dizziness etc that for me, mean I have to stop and rest. If I breathe, rest properly, calm down in all respects, sleep it goes away. But I would not hesitate to get them looked at if I thought it was a new change.
I take Plegridy, my eye concerns were before Plegridy so although I get the Plegridy flu and all that it brings, I have no problems with my eyes.
On a daily sort of note, I sometimes get a bit of an infection not related to Plegridy or M.S! So GP would be the port of call. I like gardening so occasionally if something flirts in my eye because I am an idiot and don’t wear my protective gardening specs, you can guarantee I need to get a cream from the Doc.
ps on a last note, Plegridy is hard work however, last Friday I spent the day with my grandson who is just past one. Three years ago and pre-plegridy, this would have been unheard of or it would have put me to bed for a month.