Well, after 7 months of waiting, I finally found the dreaded brown envelope on the doormat today - opened with trepidation, and astonished (and pleased, I might add) to find I’d been awarded enhanced rate on both areas! Such a weight off my mind, and a bit more financial security. After all the anxiety and horror stories I’d heard about ATOS, the DM’s at the DWP, etc, seems something has finally gone right. I want to say thanks to all of you who replied to my previous posts and gave me advice and reassurance - it was great to have you all there to help! Now it off to work out if there are any other bits I can claim as a result to make life easier…
Glad you managed to get the right decision on the PIP and good luck claiming other benefits .
Well done Tachikoma, I remember the feeling when I won my appeal last year. Relief at last, after a long drawn out process.
I collected all the associated paperwork, letters, information leaflets, photocopies of completed forms etc, and put them into a box in the roof; they may just prove useful next time around.
I am so pleased you got what you deserved, how relieved you must be!
I am awaiting my next brown envelope for my reconsideration request, I’ve never paid so much interest in the postman before all this PIP saga.
Great news!
I know just what you mean, Lorna! Every time that letterbox went I’d be rushing downstairs with terrible apprehension, so it really is a relief.
I’m quite surprised in a way, as other than the wait for an interview, it was a relatively easy process - think I worked myself up too much, but I have a tendency to do that. I suppose it’s good to know that not all at ATOS and DWP are the heartless machines they’re rumoured to be…
Absolutely wonderful news!
Pleased you can finally relax.
Expect my transition from DLA this year sometime.
great news, im very pleased for you, now you can get on with living and not have worry drag you along …stanley
EXACTLY they are only doing their job. I think there is far too much negative stuff about the process and getting PIP, and sadly it really scares people and some dont even bother applying. I have even read people describing them like the Gestapo which i found bizarre to say the least.
I am really pleased you got what you deserved hun. Now you can pass on good news to others, and hopefull more and more good news will mean others will start to apply again.
It’s good to hear the system works. Was it granted just on the info on the form or did you have to attend for interview/examination?
Yep, I really worked myself up unnecessarily, and I think people do forget that the staff are only human. Think I’m starting to see its more the rules they work within that create issues. The lass I spoke with was actually really nice, and very supportive. Shame I couldn’t get straight from the paper submission and had to go for an interview, but I kinda understand the reasons. I would encourage anyone never to be afraid of applying, and keep an open mind - for every horror story, there’s examples of good people working in a difficult situation… Tim
Congratulations Tim, great news
If the form is filled in correct and truthfully then there should be a successful outcome for all deserving cases. Unfortunately, for many reasons this doesn’t always happen.
I’m sure the majority of staff in the DWP are professional but like any work environment, there will be the exceptions.
The only people I blame for this benefit s**t we’re in, is the government
Once again, congratulations.
Gotta agree with you there, Blossom - it’s this wretched Government that are the most to blame. The quicker they can be ousted, the better - but I’m sad to say it doesn’t look like any of the alternatives will be more sympathetic towards disabled citizens. We’re second class citizens, and as we’re in the minority, our votes don’t really count, they can be easily ignored for the sake of populist policies to sate the desire of illinformed, media-influenced masses. We’re all scroungers who don’t deserve taxpayers support. Must not get political! kicks self Tim.
hi thats great news, sorry to go off track abit but i have indefinite Dla since 2004 with Secondary P and i am worried sick about having to go through this, knowing that nothing has improved but actually got worse ,so if anyone can say what did they ask ? and with me getting indef, do you think i will still need reviewing so sorry to put this on here, but as you guys have been reviewed i thought i would ask xxxxx
Hoping I am posting this in right place this time. I am newly diagnosed and finding it all very confusing to cope with. Have started a blog as a kind of self help therapy, if anyone wants to check it out it is mainly about alternative therapies, exercise and MS.
Hi Niyra,
They pretty much asked the exact same questions that are on the initial form for PIP (see this link for an example: The Personal Independence Payment (PIP) toolkit - GOV.UK), but with clarification and a little more detail. In a way, it’s a good thing as its very difficult to explain your daily difficulties and regimes on such a short form, despite the advice that you can continue on a separate sheet. I myself found myself intimidated by the form and because my writing is poor and painful, couldn’t write much.
They’ll likely take notes throughout the interview (at least my interviewer did) so pace yourself, explain clearly, and describe your worst days. A few things to consider:
Don’t go alone. Get someone to accompany you, preferably a carer or partner, if not, I’d suggest family or friend - while they can’t answer questions on your behalf, they can prompt your memory and help you answer. Plus the moral support is invaluable.
Keep a diary. Note down a few days, what you did, how long it took, what effect it had on you, and what you couldn’t do. If you found you could do something one day, but it left you in bed the next, make a note
Keep a list of your symptoms - no matter how small. You might also want to note how often they recur and for how long.
Take a list of your medications - and if possible, copies of your prescriptions. Alternatively, you could get your doctor to write a list.
Paperwork. Take it all. Copies of consultant reports, details from MS nurses, details of adjustments made to your home with receipts to prove, MRI scans (they may not know how to interpret, but have it anyway). Paperwork - while a real pain - is your friend. My companion helped me sort all mine out and made sure I knew what was what. In the end, all she needed was one letter from my MS Nurse, but at least I had it all just in case.
Take a deep breath before you go in, explain that your terribly anxious, so don’t worry if you stumble and stutter over words (I did terribly - at times I was unintelligible). Ask for a break if you need one. Don’t be a martyr or do the terribly English “stiff upper lip” and play your symptoms down. Remember you’re being monitored from the moment you step in the office.
Sorry for the essay, but I hope this makes things a little clearer - bear in mind I draw all these conclusions from my own experiences alone (though with a little research).
Hope all goes well,
You’ve turned up in the wrong place again. You need to click on the ‘New Thread’ button which you’ll find at the top of the ‘Everyday Living’ page, above the list of page numbers which runs across the top of the thread list.
Good luck!