Off meds

Hi. I have been on mayzent for the last 12 months. I have
had to come off it as one of my blood levels wasn’t good and
I had bad side effects. Seeing consultant in Oct to see if there is anything else I can go on. Has this happened to anyone else?

There are plenty more :tropical_fish: in the DMD sea. I hope you find the next one you try suits you.

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Hi Alison… my consultant always says to me nothing for you
can’t help you. I have been seeing him for nearly 5 years and
Mayzent was the first medication that he put me on. I see him
for 10 mins a year! I have complained about him and suddenly
he now wants to see me and talk about where we go from

Dora, have I got myself in a muddle? (Nothing new there!) I was assuming that you were RRMS, which is the only thing I know anything at all about…?

I wish I was I’m progressive ms x

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I had got the wrong end of the stick- sorry.

Hello Dorajack 1916. I am sorry Mayzent is causing you issues and that you have had complications.

I will be interested to see any other replies you may get.

I am SPMS and have recently been offered Mayzen/Siponomid. It is the first thing I have ever been offered too. The list of possible side effects is scary. Neither the Consultant nor the MS Nurses are giving me guidance. It seems to be my own decision whether or not to take it. So I am trying to find out what I can from those who have decided to try it, or why others decided not to!

I do hope your own Consultant is more helpful when you get to meet him this time. I have a new one, who was lovely. Perhaps there are new treatments becoming available.

I hope you get some helpful advice …

all the best