Occupational health today

I’m off to see the occ health doctor today and I am dreading it. I suppose its because I don’t actually think anything has improved since I saw him last at the end of Jan. Since then I’ve had a new MRI and I’ve been started on Tysabri but I don’t feel any different. I still have the same sensory symptoms, the fatigue is still all encompassing and I just don’t know what will happen. The last time I saw him he suggested ill health retirement which I agreed with at the time but them decided it wasn’t what I wanted. Now I think it might be for the best as I’m not getting any improvement and I’m getting pressured from work to give them a date to return to work and I just don’t know when it will be.

I’ve got to make a 2 1/2 hour journey just to see him for 20 minutes as well!


it’s a horrible position to be in. i took all my letters from my consultant and ended up taking the ill health retirement. i’ve had no regrets other than the fact that my pension is the only income for a family of 4 - eeek!

good luck

carole xx


it’s a horrible position to be in. i took all my letters from my consultant and ended up taking the ill health retirement. i’ve had no regrets other than the fact that my pension is the only income for a family of 4 - eeek!

good luck

carole xx

Thanks Carole. Well I think I may love my occ health doctor! Its tricky for me as I recently moved consultants and my new consultant does not know the whole story (to be honest I’m not sure my old one would know, but at least I had a really good relationship with the MS nurse). But the occ health doctor has told me that as I’ve recently started Tysabri then the pensions agency would not qualify me for my pension as yet until we know how its going to work (he is off to do his research on Tysabri). However he would support me in leaving on health grounds, that my issues are not capability or disciplinary and to leave in this way I would get some sort of pay off. If when he sees me again in the summer the Tysabri really hasn’t made a great deal of differenc then he will start the process for pensioning me off at the higher rate (in the meantime I am on half pay and my wages feed and clothe a family of 5 plus pays for me to run the car, the electric and the oil, OH pays for mortgage, council tax, water and his car). And now after the long trip, and no rest before the school run I am sitting here thinking how on earth I will get everyone fed and watered and lunches and bedtimes done when all I want to do is crawl back into bed.