I finally saw a neurologist yesterday and he ordered an MRI of my brain and spine with and without contrast to check for MS. My main symptom for the last 2.5 years has been spasticity in both legs, but my right leg got worse after I had COVID a year ago and I haven’t been able to bend it when I walk ever since. Before that I had some other random neurological symptoms come and go, so something has been going on for over 4 years total now. But my question is, is it possible to have a normal neurological exam if you have MS? Ihave hyperreflexia and wasn’t able to walk on my heels but otherwise I was normal with no Babinski or Hoffman’s sign. He also said my strength is good which surprised me because my legs feel like they’re going to give out on me sometimes if I’m standing still.
My MRI is in a few weeks. I know MS isn’t a good diagnosis but at this point I would just be relieved to have a name for what I’ve been feeling for so long.
Hi Judith, I’m not quite sure what you mean by a ‘normal neurological exam’?
MS is usually diagnosed after an MRI and perhaps a lumbar puncture
I guess I mean, is it possible to have a negative Babinski and Hoffman’s sign with MS? The neurologist seemed puzzled that I was mostly normal besides the spasticity and hyperreflexia. He did order an MRI and said if they see anything in that I will probably need a lumbar puncture later to confirm.
Hi Judith
I’m not sure how critical those exams are to be honest. My neurologist at no point even tried to do any of those tests with me. He just went straight to the important things MRI, LP and VEP.
So perhaps I have been diagnosed with a normal neurological exam, I wouldn’t know because I haven’t had one!
Try not to second guess it. If it is MS it will show itself eventually.
Good luck!
C x
Thats interesting! I guess we’ll see if the MRI shows anything. I know this sounds messed up but I’m more afraid of it showing nothing than showing MS because I’m tired of being told everything is normal when I don’t feel normal and can’t even walk right!
OK and thanks. To be honest I’ve never heard of those and have never been checked for them. My diagnosis was done after an MRI which showed ‘quite a few lesions’.
I looked up the Sign and from what I can tell it/ they are not specific to any particular condition.
Well it’s good that you don’t on clinical exam have some of the tell-tale signs of MS that many of us have presented with. But the neurologist agrees with you that there’s something going on that demands further investigation, so it’s a matter of waiting and seeing I’m afraid.
From what I understand diagnoses in this area tend to be an accumulation of evidence rather than a single smoking gun, so to speak.
Hiya Judith,
Im currently going through a similar situation and I had the tests you are referring to. I could walk on my heels (just about) but couldn’t walk heel to toe which baffled me because id been able to in the past. I just thought id comment as I saw a few people say theyd never had them and wanted to reassure you.
My mri is tomorrow and I like you, would rather find out its MS than keep thinking what is wrong with me. Hopefully our mri’s bring some clarity to the situation.
Thank you for sharing that! I hope the MRI gives you some answers as well, I know so well how it feels to be stuck wondering what’s wrong with you, I even question if I’m just going crazy sometimes
I’m not gonna pretend that hasn’t crossed my mind either and like this morning ive woke up with no voice, and the first thing I think is oh god is it MS?! My brain needs a break
Yes I completely get it…it’s good to know we aren’t the only ones feeling this way. I hope you get answers and feel better soon!
Yeah definitely, you too