Newly diagnosed

Hi all new on here. just recently been almost 100% confirmed I have MS. Just thought I would tell you about me and hope to get some help etc. It all started in July 2012 started gtting double vision and extremly painful headaches. Went to opticion and doctor as I had no idea what it was at that point. The optiction thought it was blood supply to my right eye so put me to the eye clinic in the mean time the doctor started me off on suspected migrains but no joy. Went to the eye clinic and did various checks on my eyes and got told I was being admitted immediatley for a CT scan got this done told there was nothing wrong and put home. Eventualy got another appoitment to someone else who told me I had inflammation of a brain stem and it was very early signs of MS and it would take a couple weeks to clear there was nothing on the CT scan as they only scanned my eye. This was a huge shock to me and my family but got on with it and 2 months later it cleared, I have been fine untill 6 weeks ago started with pins and needles in my hand then into my foot, Went to the doctor and advised I would need to go to neuro and probably get a full MRI scan and lumber puncture. About 4 week ago the double vision started on and off so back to the doctor I go to arrange for a steroid drip which I got today. Hoping this clears everything all up soon. I don’t wont to think of what culdppen in the future so just enjoying every day and making apoint of doing things that wanted to do but never got round to it (Going to the F1 British Grand Prix this year with my partner) Just in case someday I can’t but hopefully it wont come to that. I have done the blame thing (Mainly my ex wife) and why me etc but just have to admit its happened and nothing I can do

So thats my story so far. Sorry for the long post.

What am I likely t expect from the neurologist and the scans etc. Any advise would help

Hi there.

It is very scary when things go wrong, I know hun. But it sounds like your doc is looking after you, as is the hospital.

People usually need a full scan for a better insight into what`s going on. Hope you dont have to wait too long. A follow up after the scan with a neuro should make things clearer.

There s little point in blaming anyone or anything…and asking why me? brings no answers…best live life as best you can…sounds like you have that attitude now…which is good.

The future will happen and we just have to go with it.

Dont forget about other avenues for help and advice, as witout these, I would be in a worse state.

ie physios, continence service, OTs,district nurses, you ma neer need their input, but if you do…remember,.they are there.

luv Polx

Hi malcy I was also diognosed yesterday with multiple sclerosis my story so far … I had a blind spot on my left eye in june 2012 when I was 7 weeks pregnant with my doctor they gave me a eye exam that showed a damaged optical nerve … and not much more happend it went away on its own in january 2013 when i had my daughter about 2 weeks after i gave birth both legs were numb amd tingerly and it would spread to my bum and belly !! I went to my gp who said sounds like a damaged s4 nerve maybe due to a traumatic labour … time went by and my numbness was on and off but in january 2013 I woke up to my right eye completly blurred so I went to A+E and they gave me more examinations and booked me in for a Brain and Orbit MRI scan in late febuary and after so many weeks my eye got its sight back and i went for myMRI which showed mutiple lesions on both sides of the brain and confirmed MS … ive been passed on to neurologist team but yet to get a appointment so just waiting game :frowning:

Just an update after my steroid drip on Tuesday last week.

Went to the local hospital for 9am eventualy got seen just before 10, First attempt at getting the needle inserted was a fail so second attempt in the back of my hand was a success. Got the drip plugged in and lay on the bed for about an 1hr plus felt fine all the time apart from around half way through I got a horrible taste in my mouth. After I got back to work still had the taste and my coffee was so sweet, Food tasted normal and had a red face for the rest of the day and sometimes felt quite hot. The next day I was fine till I had been up for a couple hours then my head started to realy hurt and felt a bit sick I was like that most of the day. As the week went on the pins and needles got easier but not much change on the double vision until the last couple days the pins and needles has almost gone and the double vision looks to be the same.

The only issue at the moment is a bit of problem sleeping and I keep getting an annoying itch everywhere. I am putting it all down to the steroids.

All in all it is not as bad as I expected so if anyone is waiting to get it done don’t worry.

Still no appoitment for neurolgy