This is my first post having recently been dx with RRMS. I was hoping that I could get some advice from others that are taking the DMD Tecfidera. Being new to all of this I’ve been trying to find out as much as possible on the Internet which usually ends in more panic than anything. Thought this site would be the most accurate. I’m on my second day of the first week (a half dose 120mg) full dose next week (240mg) and would be interested to know when the common side effects kick in and people’s experiences of them. I’m trying to organise things for the coming weeks and this would be helpful. I know everyone is different just to give me an idea. Nothing so far am I the lucky one?
I am still learning a lot about ms as well. I was only diagnosed last April.
You will find lots of posts about Tecfidera on the everyday living board.
I have been on Tecfidera since the middle of January and this is my first DMD. I had some flushing a couple of hours after taking my first dose. Over the first couple of weeks i would get some flushing and a rash. It was very random when it happened and would only last around 30 minutes.
I still get a bit of flushing the odd time. But have never needed to take asprin etc.
The main thing i would say is have plenty to eat before taking your dose. As this should reduce the change of gastric side effects.
The 2 course tips sounds good. I’m struggling with having to eat breakfast as I normally skip but I know it’s to my benefit as I’m trying to stick with the 12 hours between doses. I’m sure it will just be trial and error. Just trying to get through the first couple of weeks before I start experimenting with times & food.
Yes Irons I was told at least 7 hours, don’t know where I got the 12 hours from as I’ve just checked the leaflet and can’t find it. Once I’m on the full dose a few weeks I’ll start to reduce the time. I’m just so relieved things are going so well, only mild indigestion up to now.
Carole how could I forget the deserts I’m a real sweet tooth!