Hello all,
Having spent a few hours reviewing posts on this forum, which is very helpful and actually slightly addictive, i thought it would be better to post myself to see if anybody can help with my specific questions.
As a bit of context, i was diagnosed with CIS in 2015 following a patch of inflammation at T5 of my spinal cord. My brain scan was ‘on the borderlands’ of normal although the MRI report that i have subsequently obtained references 10 ‘non-specific’ lesions, which my neuro at the time put down to be general wear and tear. The way it was dealt with was a bit of a car crash really but i wont get into that.
Anyway, after 4 relatively symptom free years i had a noticeable increase in the pins and needles in my feet last September so was back on the merry go round of waiting for a neuro appointment, more scans etc. By the time i got my results i was fully recovered but when i was told that there were further lesions at T9 and T11 this sent me in to a bit of a spiral. The general numness (mild) and pins and needles returned in my feet almost immediately and i started to feel it in my little finger too (higher up than T5, which i presumed to mean further damage). Before covid, i was waiting for a lumbar puncture to confirm the diagnosis of MS although from what i have read, the diagnosis could have been made without it. The LP has been delayed but is now scheduled for a couple of weeks time, so things are moving forward at least.
Unfortunately, so are my symptoms. Around 4 weeks ago, the pins and needles started up again in my feet and little fingers. I contacted the MS nurse but the symptoms were mild at the time and so we decided that no action was best. However, over the last week i have been having muscle twitches in my calves (i’ve spent way too long watching them move randomly), a general tiredness in my legs (i wake up feeling like i have just been for a run) and a feeling that they are having to work harder just to stand still. It is actually easier to walk than stand in one place at the moment. Again, i have told the nurse but have been advised just to wait it out. My concern, and question is whether these spasms is something that generally subsides during remission like previous sensory symptoms or now that it is effecting my muscles, does it tend to persist?
I am currently on amitriptyline and have tried the magnesium spray as recommended on here. I have to say that although incredibly worrying it isn’t unbearable at this stage and i am still fully mobile so consider myself lucky in that respect. However, i am only 37 with 2 kids under 4 and it seems to be blow after blow at the moment so i am in a bit of a tailspin to be honest. I am trying to remain calm so any advice or words of encouragement would be very welcome! Sorry for the essay. I was trying to keep it brief!
Thank you and take care everyone