So I had my NHS neurologist appointment, he was amazing a very thorough.
So my private neurologist suspected Primary Progressive MS but the NHS Neurologist said it’s quite clear that I have had two relapses one in July of last year and one in January/February of this year. So he thinks it’s Relapsing Remitting MS.
I have my first appointment with my MS nurse on Tuesday next week, I have had all my bloods done. He said he would like me to have a lumbar puncture and another spinal MRI as a matter or urgency.
The neurologist seems very thorough and he was reassuring so I do feel confident with him. I was a little worried but I am reassured that the process I am following others have too. I’m just hoping it doesn’t take too long.
How did you find the lumbar puncture, what was the procedure after did you have to rest etc?
Sorry to hear about the diagnosis although let’s hope your treatment helps with the symptoms.
Seems as though youv’e had conflicting advice from two different neurologists?
Yes. I was told by the private neurologist that it was likely PPMS but recommended I went to the NHS for the treatment. He didn’t give me a formal diagnosis.
He completed a referral to the amazing neurologist I saw on the NHS. He said from symptoms, lesions etc it was MS and said he could see two very define relapses. He wants me to have an urgent lumbar puncture before they can commence treatment. I also have my first appointment with my MS nurse this coming Tuesday.
My lumbar puncture was fine but after the numbing had worn off ny back was very painful and had to take a few days off work after (i do alot of bending at my job)