I am going in to hospital to have keyhole surgery to remove my gallbladder in 4 weeks time and need some advice for my recovery. I am totally paralysed from my trunk down using a wheelchair to transport me and I am hoisted at home for showering or to get me out of wheelchair. Has anyone, like me had this op. and can help me please.
Hi Hoistlady
I can’t help you with your question as I’ve not had a gallbladder op, and I’m fairly mobile. I do know that for otherwise healthy people the recovery time from a keyhole gallblader operation is pretty quick. Hopefully yours will be straightforward, and you get all the support you need. Your hospital will have had similar patients to you so will know what to do, and I’m sure you’ll be in safe hands.
Maybe someone will be on here soon who has had a similar experience to you and be able to give you a more useful reply.
Hi, I am sitting in hospital having just had an emergency gallbladder removal! I have RRMS and my mobility is affected mainly by fatigue. Are you able to discuss any concerns beforehand? I had little time as it was emergency rather than elective. Hopefully someone can give you an idea for you personally. It has been 3 days since the surgery and I am definitely feeling a lot better. I do also have other health conditions that may complicate recovery but I do feel it is recovering well. Let me know if there’s anything you want to ask about what it’s been like. I suspect the MS fatigue will make my recovery tougher just because everything was already harder to do.
Hi there I have been to hospital a lot seeing an assessment nurse, had an ECG, BP & bloods etc. She was very informative and I asked as many questions as I could.
Then yesterday I saw the anesthetist, he went through the risks (which, as you say you couldn’t have with it being an emergency) based on my test results and they’re all minor, so I feel a lot better. My operation is tomorrow morning so I say I’ll tell you what it was like. Thank you so much for getting back to me I really appreciate it. Xx
I am glad you have been able to ask lots of questions, and hope you feel more reassured. Good luck tomorrow! We can compare experience when you’re feeling up to it! Xx
Hi, really sorry it took me as long to reply. So pleased your recovery sounded like it was going in the right direction.
I had my operation cancelled while I was being prepared for it in the pods getting gowned up ready to be hoisted onto the bed. The anaesthetist saw a glitch on my ECG that had been approved 4 weeks previous by the consultant anaesthetist. So I had to have an angiogram in May, got results straight away, my arteries and veins were very clear, no problem with them at all. My operation was rescheduled for the 4th August. I had it and, like you I recovered well, if not a little slow, but I am fine.
I appreciate you being so thoughtful and giving me your take on your operation. I am glad to say, once I got the operation I too recovered well. Thank you again.
I’m glad you are well! Sorry to hear you had a delay but glad it turned out okay! It has been nearly a year since I had mine, I can’t believe it! I ended up having complications with wound healing when my stitches were removed but the operation itself was fine. I was in hospital for 6 days and then I was housebound with an open wound that needed to be packed and dressed regularly for 3 full months. I still get gallbladder pain (but not as bad) when I eat too many animal products (Christmas has been a challenge!) The pain quickly eases with buscopan though. I am also experiencing some tenderness under the skin (nerve pain?) It’s a lot less than the pain was when I went in for the surgery. When I left hospital they told me I wouldn’t get any followups so I don’t know if it’s all to be expected (they told me to get my stitches removed at a walk-in centre). How about you?
Hi, My incisions were glued, no stitches. I had internal stitches, one started poking through the large naval cut, I told them as the post op appointment. They said not to worry it’ll dissolve, but it took until 2 weeks ago, it’s gone now, thank goodness. What I have now is pain in the ribs on my right hand side. I’ve been told it’s just as a result of being battered and bruised from the op. it sounds like it’s very similar, the nerve pain too. Sounds like you’re in the wars. Hope things get better for you. Regards, Christine.
I am glad you didn’t have the problem with wounds reopening. It sounds like you are recovering well! I hope you feel able to get on with normal life now.