Got diagnosed in June and went in hospital for 3 days for steroid drips and helped a great lot. Over the past 2 weeks have deteriorated loads the whole right side is useless can’t do anything for myself. Live on my own with 2 kids can hardly walk or dress myself. Haven’t seen consultant yet will he give me drugs which will help? Also any advice on getting help?
Hi jaki, sorry to hear fo the worrying situation you find yourself in.
Regarding meds…that depends if you fit the criteria for any and what type of MS you have.
Are your children young, or able to help out at all? And do you have any family or friends who can come ad help?
If things are really unmanageable, ring social services and ask if they can help, eh?
Thanks my kids are young and at their dads most of the time but I will deffo ring social services if still struggling.
Hi, I’m in a similar situation myself. Only recently been diagnosed & have a 3 year old and a 7 month old. I’m a single mum having a bad relapse at the moment & I’ve been taking advantage of other mum’s offers of help to take my 3 year old to play with their children, can’t be without my baby as I’m still breast feeding which also means my meds are very limited. I have to lose my pride when I’m ill, accept all the help I can get, make mealtimes as simple as possible, do shopping online, ask family & friends to come & help you if you can. Your MS nurse should be able to help you with medication or your GP failing that. When are you due to see the neuro? Also if you need any emotional support ring the MS Soc helpline. I’ve rang them a few times & they are brilliant. Kate x
Luckily I have an appointment Monday but I tell you what if I didn’t have a friend in the profession herself I don’t know where I’d b now have been waiting since Feb to get any kind of diagnosis. I have got good friends who have been supportive but can’t b with u 24/7, hopefully Monday will bring some relief,. jakki x