More baclofen

Met neuro 2weeks ago and he has increased my baclofen and I had cut it down to 50mg a day. He wants me take 30mg in the morning then 30mg afternoon and 10mg at night. My legs are still stiff and il start the 30mg tomorrow morning but I think that it’s a lot to take but il try. Im worried il be weaker than I am.

Hi jimmyK1,

So I too take Baclofen and at one point was on a really high dose, 30mg 3 x a day, I now take 40mg sread over 3 times, I lowered my dose because my neuro felt this was adding to my fatigue, my legs too are really stiff, but for me I’d rather have this than being so fatigued, however over time my fatgue has got worse anyway, so I’m begged either way, good luck with your increase, I was also advies to increase in 5mg doses, spliting the tablet in1/2.

I take quite a lot of Baclofen, but divide it completely differently. I take 10mg in the morning, 20mg at lunchtime, 20mg early evening then another 10 at bedtime. I also take more if I find I’m suffering with spasms during the day or night. I can’t walk at all now anyway. I could a bit before breaking my femur and having it fixed with a plate and screws into my knee and hip in November). I can still stand and transfer so the Baclofen doesn’t seem to have made me weaker (it’s the same dose I’ve been on for quite some years).

My prescription is for a maximum of 80mg per day and I quite often hit that limit. I still from time to time have spasms in my feet and legs, but I know it would be worse without the Baclofen. My fatigue level has been about the same for some years now. It’s actually better than it was 5-10 years ago. Or I’ve got better at managing it?


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Sue hope you’re keeping well after having femur breaking. Sounds like you had it tough. I put down the increase in spasms to the hot weather. Maybe it’s just me but humid hot weather makes my legs go bananas. Baclofen is great but makes me so tired too. Im trying the 70mg a day for a few months and see how it goes. Jimmy

Greenhouse, I’m on 60mg a day but I lowered it to 50mg. Neuro increased it so il try it for a while. They fatigue me too if i take too much and id rather stiff legs than fatigue. 30mg in morning is ok but the afternoon 30mg makes me so tired. Il have to do what neuro says and manage it for a few months


I take 1 10mg Baclofen 8am, 2 11am, 2 1pm, 2 5pm


1 Tizanidine 8am , 2 at bedtime.

Legs still like the tin man!

Think you can take up to 8 baclofen per day.


Hi jen,you take them at different times than I do. I take every 6hours. Sometimes they work and most times I feel nothing. Tin legs makes things so much harder.CBD could be my next thing to try but few ppl I know said it did nothing for them but helped them sleep better. 80mg is alot in a day, I wonder is the baclofen pump better at that level.