major fatigue!

Never in my life have i been this tired im actually in bed i still feel the relapse is over as im not unwell but ive never experienced tiredness like this before didnt get up til 11and been exhaustes all day any tips for energy if im like this again tomorrow?


its the pits, the stinky sweaty armpits of ms.

i’d say rest when you need to and dont beat yourself up if its the third rest day this week.

you sound like a newly disgnosed mser. forgive me if i’m wrong.

you will get used to pacing yourself, know when to rest etc

a lot of people swear by modafinil but its difficult to get it prescribed.

meanwhile have a good book or a box set of something you love and snuggle down.

it won’t last forever.

carole x

I was diagnosed december 2012 and had 1 relapse since recently im awake again now feel unwell but not ms unwell like ive got a fever or something ive got a banging headache too so got a bottle of water in bed for me to drink ive never felt like this before and my bodys been clearing itself out todat ill probably wake up in labour baby is fully engaged so who knows