Magnesium, a trip to A&E, & my peculiar life!

Thanks Pat and Pam for thinking of me. It’s been a tough time recently with all the gastric problems I have had. I may have to have my gall bladder removed. I’ll find out soon. Two of my sons have had medical problems too - one with seizures and the other with fainting fits! They are ok though, it seems. It has been quite stressful though! To top that, I have had the world’s worst cold plus a UTI, so have felt fairly crap! Anyway, I will do my best to make sure I touch base more often, hope everyone is as well as can be? Teresa xx

Oh Teresa you have had an awful lot to cope with lately, sorry to hear that. I do hope things have settled down, and all of you are feeling brighter.

Take care

Pam x

Starting to get that way Pam, thanks! Teresa xx

Hi Teresa, oh luv, I am sorry to read how bad things have beeen for you. You`re always there for me and I apprecate it.

My daughter is facing the possibility of having her gall bladder out too.

As awful as any op is, the blog on it doesnt seem too drastic, as we can live fine without our gall bladders.

Nevertheless, look after yourself and I hope things are better in your household very soon.

Take care.

much luv Pollx

Hi gang, just to tell you that I had my gall bladder out! Just over 10 years ago and before MS dx. It’s done by keyhole surgery… so 3 tiny holes around your belly button. Didn’t have to stay in hospital overnight. Was about a week before I could straighten up properly and then recovery was quick. Could of gone back to work after 2 weeks… but I got another week because I felt so tired. That was probably because of MS but I didn’t know it. Just a bit of technical info… the liver makes bile all the time and stores it in the gall bladder. Once you’ve had it removed your gall bladder learns very quickly to start making the bile when you start eating. The bile helps break the food down so you can digest it. Once you go back to post-op exam 2 weeks after the op, you can start eating normally. Hope that helps put your minds at rest. Sorry to hear you’ve been having such a rotten time Teresa. Hope you are feeling bit better. Pat xx

Sorry… not ‘your gall bladder learns very quickly to make bile’… I meant your LIVER… Pat xx

l am sure l read that two brazil nuts a day- contain enough magnesium. And l did also read that many people on the Terry Wahls diet - ie lots of kale - found it made their heart flutter - so overdosing magnesium.

l know we with MS are recommended to take magnesium with vitd3 - as it helps the body absorb calcium.

Stick to chocolate!

That’s interesting about kale. Surely it can’t be good for you to have heart flutters… Agree… stick to chocolate! Pat xx


Sonia x

Proof yet again that every long thread on here ends up about chocolate! Lol… Pat xx :slight_smile:

Thanks for your kind thoughts Poll and for the info about the gall bladder op Pat. It sounds like quite a minor one with keyhole surgery, so fingers crossed. I do hope that I would be in and out on the same day. Recovery time doesn’t sound too bad either. I’ll keep you posted as to what is recommended that I have to do! Teresa xx

Thanks for your kind thoughts Poll and for the info about the gall bladder op Pat. It sounds like quite a minor one with keyhole surgery, so fingers crossed. I do hope that I would be in and out on the same day. Recovery time doesn’t sound too bad either. I’ll keep you posted as to what is recommended that I have to do! Teresa xx

Thanks for your kind thoughts Poll and for the info about the gall bladder op Pat. It sounds like quite a minor one with keyhole surgery, so fingers crossed. I do hope that I would be in and out on the same day. Recovery time doesn’t sound too bad either. I’ll keep you posted as to what is recommended that I have to do! Teresa xx

Sorry to hear about your problems Teresa, nothing runs smoothly does it? Take care of yourself and please let us know how you get on.

Cath xx

Thanks Cath - I think things are starting to stabilise now! Teresa xx