lumbar puncture

I am waiting the results of MRI that i had done on Thursday. I didn’t think I was such a control freak, but this not being in control and not knowing for sure what it is is becoming reallly difficult. I am in a flap now about the thought of a lumbar puncture. The MRI wasn’t the nicest experience, I held it together while in there for what seemed like forever but went to pieces when I got out the hospital. Hows everyone else coping? I am an emotional wreck just now.

Aw I so know what you mean. The bit knowing and the waiting. It’s so hard to be patient. However, you’re on the right track an you’ve had the scan. At least you know there will be scan results to come that may bring some clarity. I’ve never had an LP but there’ve been some really reassuring posts on here recently about them so it may not be as bad as imagined! Hang on in there. Any fun bank hol plans to distract ? X


The actual procedure is not painful; in fact the only thing you feel is a scratch when the anaesthetic goes in. The actual removal of fluid is just a feeling of pressure if done properly. I must stress if done properly; do not let anyone practice on you insist on someone who is experienced.

It’s after you MAY get something called ‘the headache from hell.’ To cut down the chances of getting this you should lay flat for at least 3 hours do not even get up to go to the loo; use a pan. Drink at least 2 litres of classic Coke, not diet; it’s the caffeine that aids replenishment of your CNS fluid. Being your drinking a lot take one of those bendy straws otherwise the bed will get more Coke than you. If you want a change of drink very strong coffee.

These things will drastically reduce your chances of getting a headache that could last about 8 days. If you have a couple of days off work and rest if you do not get the headache, if you do 10 days off work.

If the headache last more than 10 days you could need a blood patch; especially if there’s a wet patch on the bed in the area of the spine after a nights sleep; this is rare.

Good luck.


My L.P was done by a trainee 4 jabs before success so do ask how many they have done previously, I didn’t lie down afterwards I was sent for optic nerve test straight after then drove for an hour home, didn’t get any after headaches, did drink lots of water before L.P.Extremely tired for the rest of the day.

You’ll be o.k

Pauline xx

Jeepers, this is going to be the longest week of my life. I am worried about getting it as I am very tender to the touch on L4, 5 and 6. It doesn’t hurt me to bend or move or anything, but if touched could go through the roof.The thought of a needle going in there, OUCH! Thank you for taking the time to reply. Much appreciated.x

Don’t freak, you can’t feel anything on the LP, that’s what the anesthetic is for - for me that was the only uncomfortable part about the procedure, other than that it was fine. After you get the LP and you’re waiting lying flat to go home, drink, drink, drink through a bendy straw. You’ll be dehydrated because of the prep (at least I was, no food/drink for the day beforehand) and it won’t help for any blood draws.

When you get home stay flat, even if you feel fine just lie down. From what I’ve read it may not do anything to prevent the headache - not everyone gets it - but resting can’t hurt!

If you do get the headache (and you will know if you have it) get lots of caffeine down you - I didn’t learn this until two days in, I could barely walk and was bent over to reduce the pain if I had to move. VERY strong coffee and paracetemol (didn’t use ibuprofen in case I had to go back in) got it to a manageable level. I wish I’d known about the caffeine on day one.

(That’s post 3 on Saturday night, hopefully I won’t be pre-moderated anymore! I guess this won’t arrive until Monday though )

Crossing everything I don’t need to have it, but feeling a little less anxious about it.I Just can’t bare the thought of a needle going in somewhere that hurts,jeez, such a woos. I don’t drink coffee but i may start to, lol.

Thank you Walking Barefoot!!x

Coffee is my caffeine fix of choice - ggood suggested Classic Coke, though I think Diet Coke has caffeine too - look up caffeine and lumbar puncture and see what you get back from it. I wasn’t drowning myself in coffee, I had several strong cups over the course of a day and if I’d been lying flat the whole time I may not have needed it at all.

Ask whoever does the procedure for information on what to do post-puncture and when to go back to a doctor if you’re not improving from it. Preferably get this in writing so you’re not trying to remember everything while recovering from it!

Control freak, it’s your body and you can say no to LP if you so wish, I did, I point blank refused as they had already given me diagnosis. If they thought they were gonna do LP just to dot the i’s and cross the t’s they had another thing coming! Good luck x

Thank you dingbat,

Yeh I’ve had another message from someone else who said the same.It hasn’t even been mentioned yet, im just googling all my symptoms and everything goes to MS, but I know there will be other things, so just have to wait and see.So, im taking it that an MRI alone can diagnose MS?


I’ve had 3 lumbar punctures in a span of 10 years and none of them were as bad as what some people say. It’s not the nicest experience but it’s really nothing to worry about. Just make sure you lay down flat for at least 3 hours afterwards to try and escape the headache

OK,I am alot less anxious now about the procedure if it comes to it…THANK YOU!x

First time I have written in and felt i had to share my experience. I had a lumbar puncture after an mri showed that neurologist needed to rule out anything else my best friend came with me and talked to me through the whole thing which kept my mind off the procedure which doesnt take that long compared to mri Being driven home and having a nice lie down for a few hours is not bad really. Definitely drink lots of water and maybe coke as others have recommended - i hadnt heard that tip prior to mine. I hope your LP goes ok. Am sure it will. Try getting into the mindset of mind set of nothing is as bad as it seems.